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RE: (TFT) Excerpts from the Dark Lords diary

> From: maou_tsaou1@netzero.net
>> If you liked the whale/TNT visual your gonna LOVE this!> I thought I'd
really "discovered" something.
  As far as discoveries go I have developed a childrens game on the inner four
planets.  Curious why all the orbital periods are non terminating fractions, I
did an analysis with some tables of fractions, wrote a program, and came up
with this.

   Mercury (8/21 +9)^2 = 88.00227
   Venus (1/1 +14)^2 = 225.00
   Earth (1/9 +19)^2 = 365.23457
   Mars (4/19 +26)^2 = 686.99169

   Ceres (1/1 +40)^2 = 1681.00

   Jupiter (13/16 +65)^2 = 4331.28516
   Saturn (1/13 +104)^2 = 10,832.00592
   Uranus (1/2 + 175)^2 = 30,800.25
   Neptune (1/3 +245)^2 = 60,188.444444

David Michael Grouchy II
Windows Live: Keep your life in sync.
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