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(TFT) A Typical TFT Weekend

A typical session for us (back in the day because we're mostly scattered now) consisted of:

Meeting and introductions (2-4 hours)

    - people meet new players 
    - some people begin talking about their characters, mostly ooc boasting 
    - assessment of RL party supplies, usually a food/beer run (supplies expected to last for two uninterrupted days)
    - people begin chain smoking (if you're a non smoker like me, you're bumming)
    - party tunes are debated and management of the tunes is tasked out.
    - general discussions continue while GM inspects all character sheets
    - pre-mission partying commences (everyone is plenty loaded by the time things start)

Campaign/Mission Summary (1-2 hours)

    - GM has the floor.  Usually ends when someone proclaims: "Ok, so when do I get to kill something already!"
    - PC's roleplay introductions entering the setting.
    - normally a fight breaks out at the meeting place, sometimes between PC's.
    - leadership is established by someone, either by rational decision, bribery or physical dominance.
    - party tunes kick into a higher gear, if neighbors are going to complain, hopefully it will happen now.

Normal Battles (up to 2 hours each)

    - GM asks the group to define the marching order.  
    - PC's place themselves on the map with exact facing, describe their current state of readiness.
    - GM makes a bunch of hidden rolls.  Final accounting notes.
    - GM places a shocking number or quality of opponents on the board.
    - General outrage erupts in fits of dispair, cowardice, bravado and deceipt.
    - Inexperienced players lead big, using whatever their best (often consumable) weapon is.
    - At least one experienced player is reprimanded for trying to help a newcomer move.
    - The party suffers and compensates for bad movement decisions.
    - The GM unveils a new, previously hidden threat.
    - PC outrage doubles, a reaction to what must now be an impossible situation.
    - GM taunts the party and refuses to back off, privately pleased that the encounter might be memorable.
    - The maneuvering rounds begin.
    - The super-heroes step-up their contribution, exploiting special abilities and consumable magic.
    - Intersperced rule-kibitzing begins, becoming more frequent as the GM continues to drink heavily.
    - Tipping point is reached.  Normally the party achieves freedom of movement or tactical advantage.
    - Killing Lust and Greed overwhelm the PC's doing whatever they can to get additional kills (for exp)

Battle Aftermath (normally one hour or less)

    - GM begins tallying exp for the battle and writing notes.
    - Secret Protection notes begin flowing from PC's to GM and back.
    - Self-Healing and Altruistic Behavior Commences (there is precious little of this for us)
    - PC's posture within one of the following categories, mostly to unfairly control loot distribution:
            - Cooperative Agreements
            - Noble Gestures (for future favors)
            - Secretive Plotline Advancement
            - Greed, Power-Mongering, Insults and Threats
            - Lies, Theft and General Duplicity
            - Duels or Surprise Attacks
            - Outright Betrayal
    - Distribution of Spoils occurs.  Normally we roll on all items (no retriction on how many times you can win).
    - Some people begin vocalizing their pleasure over their new loot.
    - There is a period of general bitching over distribution-inequity while people refresh snacks, etc.
    - Occasionally someone storms out.
    - Often PD pays us a visit in the early morning hours, party continues without tunes after that.
    - PC Bartering begins, any deal goes.
    - GM calls for order.
    - GM summarizes the battle, awards exp., reveals additional plot-line items to start roleplay round.

Roleplay Rounds (normally 15 min or less, can take place mid battle as well)
    - GM introduces a new plot element (normally looted)
    - PC's react (drunkenly) trying to role-play their character.
    - Real-life partying picks up a little to prepare for the next Battle.

Call for Sleep

    - At some point someone passes out or doesn't return from the bathroom.  
    - People volunteer to run the missing PC's character.
    - There is normally a round where everyone considers dividing up all of the guy's stuff and continuing.
    - Someone calls for sleep.
    - The party resumes about 4 hours later (normally lunchtime, day two)
    - Second days are normally shorter, ending when the final climax battle is concluded.
Climax Battle(s) (2-4 hours)

    - Injured and dangerously low on everything, the party gears up for a climax moment.
    - Marching Order is determined and the opponents are placed on the map.  
    - There is generally a period of silence.  Kid gloves are off, PC's all know the GM intends to kill off the party.
    - Examining the board, the odds are bad and heroics are the only way to prevail.. 
    - There is ALWAYS a dialogue round between the party leader(s) and the leader of the opposing force.
    - The GM leads strong revealing one of usually three surprises.
    - PC's fail or counter successfully, normally defensively.
    - The GM reveals a weakness (even if the PC's don't notice it)
    - GM unleashes his second surprise which is intended to kill everyone.
    - PC's fail or counter successfully, normally offensively.
    - GM reveals another surprise, usually a spoiler strategy.
    - Frequently the PC's are simply trying to survive the encounter.  Remaining PC's scramble to complete the quest.

Post Game (sometimes days afterward)

    - GM sends out a summary of the battle.

Just thought I would share.    

Good Fortune,
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