Reptilites in TFT

(c) 2016 by Richard W. Smith - - - - Version 1.0.0

I can not remember a PC ever playing a reptile man in TFT. Basically only earning 1/2 experience greatly slows one of the great pleasures of role playing games, namely the satisfaction gained by improving your character. This is an attempt to make the big strong reptile people more popular to play. They remain tough starting characters, but they have several disadvantages which make up for their good start. There are a few sub-varieties of reptilites. These are discussed at the end of this essay.

Reptilites, or reptile men as they are also known, are distantly related to dragons. They have small wings that can not let them fly, rather they are spread and blood is pumped thru them. When the sun shines on these, the warmed blood helps keep the Reptilite warmer in cool temperatures. In combat, or in too warm areas the wings fold up into tight little box like masses on their upper back.

Reptilites are a 1.5 hex creature who stand about 210 cm high. They start with 35 attributes divided up this way:
ST 15, DX 7, IQ 8, & +5 points to be added anywhere. They have an MA is 10. (Their maximum ST, DX & IQ are: 75, 35 & 40 respectively.)

Their scales give them a naturual armor of –1 damage per hit.

Their unarmed damage is double that of a human at their ST. (So if an equally strong human would do 1d-1 damage, a Reptile Man would do 2d–2.)

When a reptilite, reaches ST 18+ they get a tail attack, which can strike into any rear hex. If they make a regular attack and a tail attack both attacks are at -4 DX.
The damage of the tail attack is... from ST 18 to 23 ––> 1 die; from ST 24 to 29 ––> 1d+1; and from ST 30+ ––> 1d+2.

Reptilites may raise their ST by spending x 0.5 the normal experience cost. Note that tho the ST costs 1/2 experience to increase, it still counts as a full attribute when calculating the attribute total. So if a reptilite quickly raises his ST, it soon will become very expensive to get enough experience to gain other attributes.) (See the rules for Advantages of Great ST in TFT.)


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Reptilites and Temperature:

Remember this mnemonic for Celsius temperatures:
 "30 is hot, and 20's pleasing.
 10 is cold, and 0's freezing."

Reptilites are thought to be creatures who like hot temperatures, but humans (who can sweat) can actually stand hotter temperatures than reptilites IF the humans have lots to drink. On the other hand, heat with high humidity (which prevents sweating) will knock out humans fast, but the humidity does not affect the reptilites.

Humans and temperature: Reptilites are fussier about temperature:

They ignore humidity. In fact, warm humid days make great hunting since the mammals stop moving and pant, making them easy prey.

If there is a heat source like the sun or a bonfire, their wings allow them to add from +1 to +15 C to the temperature as far as their body is concerned. (More if it is a huge fire.)

If there is a source of water nearby and low humidity, reptilites have been known to dunk their wings in water, then spread them parallel to the sun (so they absorb little heat) and let the water dry. This will cool them by up to 15 C. In these friendly conditions, they can survive temperature up to 60 C.

Note in my campaign there are inexpensive magic items called heat stones and spells that improve the insulation of clothes. These items can allow reptilites to survive in colder areas. But really, reptilites have no business living where winter temperatures go below zero for any length of time.

PC Reptilites can sacrifice attributes worth of exp to gain magical powers.

(They save up experience until they have that many attributes of exp saved, then spend it all in a block.)

Frenzy: Reptile man may sacrifice 3 attributes worth of experience to do extra damage.
 All unarmed attacks do +1 damage. This includes the tail attack.

 ALL attacks (including those with weapons and their tail) do +1 damage. A reptilite can take both Frenzy and Full Frenzy. In this case, they will do +2 unarmed and +1 with weapons.

 The reptilite will be able to 'smell' changes to magic. Crossing rule lines, changes in the mana level, entering into new environmental magic zones, entering the volume of a powerful spirit can be noticed on a 3vsIQ roll. (Alertness does NOT help on this roll.) The GM may also give the character this information roll if a powerful spell has been cast near the character.

 The hands will magically smooth and shape stone, bringing it to a fine, shiny polish. Almost as if they were a fine grit diamond sandpaper. This takes a month per square meter so smoothed. (The surface must have already been chipped and roughly flattened. This ability just takes a relatively smooth surface, and makes it shiny flat.) Reptile men are known for their polished stone artwork, and temples and breeding areas are often so polished.

Varieties of Reptile Men:

Reptt: (aka Vicious Reptilites.)
 Reptt are like orcs in human society. They are a subspecies that are known for their violence and selfishness. They are 20 cm or so taller than a regular Reptile Man, but have the same starting statistics. Reptt tend to put more attributes into ST and fewer into IQ.

 This smaller subspecies (1.1 hex figures) of Reptile Men, which lay far more, smaller, eggs, however 99.999% die before becoming adult. They are smarter than most Reptilites and are often priests, wizards and leaders. (They have to tread softly, since if their leadership offends their followers, they are easy to kill.) They are noted for their striking blue and purple scales. Their starting attributes are: ST 12, DX 8, IQ 9, +3 attributes to place anywhere (but remember ST costs 1/2), MA 9, No armor, Attacks the same as normal Reptile Men (tho their lower strength usually means they do less damage).
 They can sacrifice 4 attributes worth of exp to gain +1 reaction rolls with Reptilite & related species.

 These are giant Reptile Men. They are an NPC species and are 3 hex creatures. Their starting attributes are ST 25, DX 8, IQ 7, +1 attribute to place anywhere, MA 16. They have -4 armor (heavy scales). They gain ST easily and often have 35 to 45 ST. Their DX & IQ are rarely above 11 & 12 respectively. They never use weapons, but bite and claw for 2 dice to 4 dice damage. Their tails do 2d+1 or can try to knock down all people in their rear hex like dragon's tails.

Draconites: (Also known as dragon men.)
 These are thought to be the most ancient and noble of the Reptile Men species. They have larger wings and can glide downwards at a 45 degree slope. Basically they ignore falling damage as their wings are large enough to prevent dangerous falls.
 Like Dragons, their internal fires (metabolism) is so hot that they can survive quite cool temperatures. They make up for this with huge appetites. Their starting attributes are: ST 12, DX 7, IQ 8, +2 attributes to spend anywhere (but remember ST costs half), MA 9. They get –1 armor if their ST goes over 18. Their tails are longer and not as thick as normal Reptilites. When they reach ST 15 they make attempt to knock down one figure in their rear hex unless that figure makes a 3vsDX saving throw. This tail attack is a free attack which does not interfere with any other action the Draconite is taking.
 Once per minute, a Draconite can breath fire by spending 10 fST, and making a 3vsDX to hit at +4 adj DX. This will affect a front hex, the two hexes behind it, the 3 hexes behind that, the 4 hexes beyond that and the 5 hexes beyond that. Basically if affects an equilateral triangle with sides 5 hexes long pointing at the Draconite. In this zone all figures take fire damage: 2d+2 in the adjacent hex, 2d–2 if the target is 2 or 3 hexes away, and 2d–6 for figures 4 or 5 hexes away. At ST 20 the Draconite will do +2 damage at all ranges and at ST 28 it does +4 damage at all ranges. Figures in this area may make a 5vsDX saving throw to jump out of the area and avoid the damage. If the target makes the roll, they land standing in the nearest hex outside the fire area. If they wish to throw themselves prone in the hex outside of the fire's area, they roll only 3vsDX to avoid the flames.
 Draconites may spend attributes to gain dragon like powers, such as better senses, dragon magics, the ability to hypnotize people, etc. These vary widely from individual to individual so the GM should set the costs and abilities of the particular individual.

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