(c) 2016 by Richard Wayne Smith - - - - - Version 1.0
Here is a treasure table which you can use to generate ideas. I normally would give out what ever stuff I think is appropriate for the encounter but may roll once or twice on the table below to generate ideas and more variety in my drops.
1 | Money / gems / bars of specie / merchant's trade tokents / letter of credit |
2 | Food / drink / iron rations / trencher / dressed game / wedge of cheese / cheap alcohol / wine bag |
3 | Entertainment: Dice / chips / cards / tiles / board game / game board / gambling paraphenialia / penny whistle / kite / peasant musical instrument / puppets / whittling or scrimshaw tools / childrens dolls or toys, etc. |
4 | Containers: Pouch / back pack / sacks / bandolier / leg sheath / secret compartment in clothes / small hidden pouch inside regular clothes |
5 or 6 | Adventuring Supplies: lab kit / standard pack / torches, whet stone/ tinder box / kindling / lantern oil / candles / candle lantern / rope / mallet / spikes / bandages / arrow extractor / physicker kit / spare clothing / cooking supplies / tent / sleeping bag / bedroll / rags / jars / grapnel / fishing equip / tarpaulin / pole / ladder / net / etc. |
7 | Armor or weapons / spare arrows / darts / throwing daggers |
8 | Raw Goods: water / wool / raw leather / plants / reeds / sinew / furs / cotton / etc. |
9 | Wilderness Stuff: Furs / hunting supplies / animal traps / fishing tackle / wild herbs / dead wood / reeds or grass / berries / clay |
10 | Tools: Agricultural / carpentry / smithing / masonary / tailoring / animal husbandry / wood carving / astrologer charts / scribe tools / geologist's bag / cobbler / wood cutter / farming / leather working / mechanician / etc. |
1 | Potions / molitov oil / gunpowder / expensive consumables |
2 | Cheap magic (Light makers, warm spells, heat spells, sharpen wep, 1 die gems, bound spirits) |
3 | Medical supplies / poultices / pills / healing salve |
4 or 5 | Craftsman tools / Craftsman goods / Craftsman raw materials. |
6 | Wizard's raw materials / Chemist's or Alchemist raw materials |
7 | Slaves, workers, mercenaries, men at arms, skilled craftsmen, work team. |
8 | Paper and writing implements / mapping equipment / map / navigation tools. |
9 | Thieves Tools / spying equipment / military gear / military hardware / professional violence stuff. |
10 | Holy Symbol / totem / fetish / bound spirit / luck charms / religious items: (holy water, etc.) |
11 | Glass work / burning glass / beads / measuring cups / mirror |
12 | Nice clothing / hats / boots / gloves / scarves / specialty clothing (protective gear), etc. |
13 | Musical instrument, horn, gong, cittern, lute, |
14 | Bulk trade goods: (Charcoal, ore concentrate, bulk food, fine cloths, gems, limestone, wax, ceramics, salt, cotton, oil, sugar, wool, glass, livestock, herbs, grain, fruit, metals, papyrus etc.) |
15 | Superstition trade good, charms, holy artifact, shamble, luck piece. |
16 | Tinker / small trader / minor goods (soaps, little tools, dentistry, farm supplies, seed, fabrics) |
17 | Trap / mechanician tools / clock work toys / music box / watch / scales / prayer wheels |
18 | Animal supplies / riding creature tack / salt blocks / animal medicines / |
19 | Live animals. (Domestic animals, pets, gladiatorial beasts, exotics for zoo, exotics for ingredients). |
20 | Exotic weapons and armor / fine weapons / Small treasure |
1 | Magic Item / wizard's chest / valuable gem |
2 | Art / art supplies / fancy glass / feathers / clay / marble / canvas / tiles |
3 | Book |
4 | Papers: (patents of nobility, deeds, blackmail material, grant of monopoly, contract, bills of lading, land grant, orders from lord, personal letters, treaty, report, query about trade, ledgers, religious tract, assassination order, Apprenticeship papers, letter of introduction, etc.) |
5 | Exotic / expensive food or drink: (saffron, myrrh, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, fish sauce, tea) |
6 | Official, noble or royal seal / device of state / Badge of office |
7 | Exotic trade goods: (perfume, exotic woods, marble, ivory, amber, lacquer wares, silk, turtle shell, varnish, glass, carpets, tapestries, embroidery, porcelain, paper, rhino horn, ochre, resin, incense, pearls, ivory, jade, dye, etc.) |
8 | Medicine / ingredients for healer's lab. |
9 | Spectacles, monocle, bifocals / very fine clothing / sword cane / personal items for very rich. |
10 | Falcon eggs, exotic animals pets or guardians. |
Years ago, I saw a list of all sorts of cool gems for D&D. This is me recreating that long ago table. The first table is cheaper gems (<$500), while the second has the more valuable ones. the prices are near the max for that type of gem for 1 gram gems. (Flaws in the gem can make the prices arbitrary low naturally.) Note that in ancient times, most gem stones were not the transparent crystals that we associate with diamonds and sapphires, they were colored rocks that were polished to a shine. Note that opaque stones were often carved into interesting shapes and polished, such stones were called 'Cabochon'. Any opaque stones below are likely carbocons.
1d100: | Price $... | Gem and Notes: |
3 | 80 | Agate / Agate Geode / fire agate / banded |
5 | 250 | Amber |
8 | 250 | Amethyst |
10 | 200 | Apatite |
12 | 300 | Ametrine (quartz with bands of yellow and purple) |
15 | 400 | Aquamarine (type of beryl) |
17 | 175 | Aventurine (green quartz w/ sparkly inclusions, used for carvings and cabochon) |
20 | 80 | Azurite |
21 | 400 | Beryl (incl emerald, aquamarine, helidor and morganite) Lower quality stones. |
23 | 150 | Blood stone (heliotrop) Green opaque quartz with red inclusions. |
26 | 75 | Chalcedony (fine grained milky quartz with waxy luster) |
28 | 150 | Carnelian (warm orange gem purified blood) |
30 | 180 | Chicken blood stone. Lich Stone (Rock with vivid red inclusions. Fades in UV light.) |
32 | 50 | Chodchod (red stone with yellow and green inclusions) |
35 | 200 | Citrine (yellow, gold or orange brown quartz) |
38 | 400? | Coral / fossil coral |
41 | 150? | fluorite (purple, blue, green, yellow, colourless, brown, pink & orange) |
44 | 250 | garnet / Demon's tear (Melanite) |
47 | 80 | Hemmond's Silverstone (Hematite) |
48 | 200 | Hawks Eye (Pietersite) metalic bands thru opaque stone. |
50 | 150 | Iolite (violet clear gem.) |
53 | 150? | Jade (the more translucent, the more it is worth up to $500) |
55 | 90 | Jasper / Red Jasper (forms of quartz) both are opaque. |
57 | 400 | Jet ('Hard' Lignite Coal) |
58 | 100 | Khobie: Greater or Lesser. (Rhodochrosite) alternating strips of pink and red |
59 | 50 | Lithozontes (purple red with bright sparks. Opaque polished as a cabochon.) |
63 | 80 | Lapis Lazuli / turquoise |
65 | 75 | Malachite (copper carbonate) opaque |
68 | 150 | Moonstone (orthoclase feldspar (K Al Si) Has a blue white shimmer. |
70 | 80 | Obsidian / snow flake obsidian |
73 | 150 | Onyx / Sardonyx (layers of white and red) |
77 | 100 | Petrified Wood / Peanut wood |
80 | 150 | Pearl / Mother of Pearl ($300) |
82 | 150 | Peridot (gem quality olivine... Mg2SiO4 with Fe impurities) |
85 | 50 | Quartz / Rutile quartz / Smoky Quartz |
87 | 150 | Sardonyx |
90 | 125 | Serpentine (usually green with black inclusions which may be threads) Cabochon. |
93 | 80 | Tiger's eye (quartz) |
95 | 250 | Tourmaline - Crystal often with mixed colors. Many shades, red, green, purple,etc. |
97 | 350 | Wyvern's scales (Labradorite, opaque. blue black stone with lustrous metallic tints) |
98 | 50 | Waiy's Sapphire (Sodalite: Blue translucent, with a violet tint and white veins) |
100 | 150 | Zargun (Zircon ZrSiO4) (Golden colored with flecks of color) |
A question mark on price says that the price of this stone varies all over the place depending on quality and the price may rarely be above the maximum given. This sort of stone has many lower quality stones for each fine one.
1d100: | Price $..... | Gem and Notes: |
4 | 8000 | Alexandrite (color shifts from red to yellow to green depending on light angle) |
7 | 2750 | Cat's eye apatite (cat's eye effect moves across stone as stone is rotated.) |
12 | 500 | Aquamarine (type of beryl) |
16 | 1600 | Beryl (Golden w/ perfect transparency.) |
18 | 6000+ | Red Beryl |
19 | 4000 | Daystone * Clear crystal with flecks of metallic sheen in UV, goes dull grey at night. |
23 | 3000+ | Diamond (blue purple diamonds are $10,000. Red is the rarest at $15,000.) |
29 | 1500 | Emerald |
35 | 500+ | Star garnet / Tsavorite |
38 | 3000 | Garnet (blue garnet) Rarest form. (changes color from blue green (sunlight) to purple (flame light) ). |
44 | 500 | Jade (Fine stone with good translucency) |
46 | 6000? | Jadeite (deep translucent green with vivid flecks of metallic brightness) |
47 | 500 | Jet (finest pieces.) |
49 | 2000 | Long Malabeng * Long red stone translucent with pink striations running its length (Will twist along lai lines and will spin when crossing a rune line.) |
54 | 1500 | Opal / moss opal / opal doublet (opal glued to black backing to make colors vibrant) / fire opal / Boulder Opal (brown with bluish inclusions) |
56 | 8000 | Opal – Black Opal |
57 | 750 | Optreen * Yellow opaque stone w/ green flecks in dendrite patterns. Often found in pairs which are mirror images. |
61 | 800 | Pearl (black pearls) |
62 | 1000 | Rexite * Deep purple translucent with darker indigo striations. Used in royal signets |
65 | 1500 | Ruby |
69 | 1500 | Sapphire / Star Sapphire are rarer and much more valuable. |
70 | 4500+ | Seasweep * (Green, blue or yellow with black moss like inclusions) Translucent with waves moving thru it as light moves. Striking in torch lite |
73 | 1000 | Sphene (breaks light into a rainbow of colors like a diamond, but base green color.) |
78 | 500+ | Spinel (aka black prince's ruby) Pink, red, purple and black. |
82 | 2500 | Sunstone (red, orange or green, often blended colors. Schiller effect. (Flaws on surface catch light and make it seem to glow on its own.) |
86 | 2000 | Sunstrike Translucent crystal. (Hackmanite – changes color from purple to greenish white when exposed to sun) |
88 | 1500? | topaz / Rutile topaz (Clear crystal. Sometimes pale or vivid blue.) (Rutile topaz have thin yellow threads in it. These +/– the value.) |
92 | 2500 | Tourmaline / Mermaids Nipples (Paraiba) vivid teal crystals |
97 | 3500 | Wyvern's scales (Labradorite blue black stone with lustrous metallic tints) |
100 | 2500 | Waiy's Sapphire (Sodalite: Blue, with a violet tint and white veins) |
* Are totally invented gems. + means that rarely, these stones can be much more valuable.
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