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(TFT) Jack-O-Bear correction

Armor:3 points of tough skin
Weapons: claws/bite: 1+2 (may have 2nd attack)

Jack-o-bear are shaggy wirey monsters that with bloated orange heads resempling pumpkins. They normally inhabit moutains and forests.
He may harmonize his foe on a IQ vs IQ roll. A harmonize foe is frozen in 
place in fear. He can harmonize up to half is IQ in victims.
IN ADDITION: on a 3,4,17,18 Jack'o has a chaos feature. If the feature roll 
succeeds the chaos table permits all sorts of features: extra stats and 
abilities. In the true spirit of TFT... make up your own table :)

Watch for Scorpian man and Walktapus. Coming Soon!!!

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