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Re: (TFT) Jack-O-Bear correction

Thank you for your suggestions on the jackobear skills. Id call it a freeze spell, except that this ability doesnt lower the jackobears strength. So Its not a real spell. I will re-work them again.
The Walktapi is much different. I will post it.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Cas Liber" <casliber@ozemail.com.au>
Reply-To: tft@brainiac.com
To: <tft@brainiac.com>
Subject: Re: (TFT) Jack-O-Bear correction
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 00:09:05 -0000

Dear Joel
to TFT-ize the jackobears abilities, I'd call them silent movement and
spying, and treat the gaze as a freeze spell.

Also, TFT already has an ambulatory octopus (Do you have ITL?), but I'd
like to see the scorpiionman (sold all my RQ stuff many red moons ago).
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