From: Daniel Richard Bartholomew <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: (TFT) Unarmed Combat Question
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 18:30:01 -0600
According to TFT:ITL p. 16, if a character has Unarmed Combat V:
"..An attacker must roll FOUR dice to hit this figure in normal combat -
SIX if he his dodging, SEVEN if he is defending."
Does this mean that EVERY attack made against such a character is rolled
with four dice (or more) rather than the usual three? Does this include
magical attacks? (This seems to be a VERY POWERFUL Talent, by the way!)
Furthermore, how does this affect rolls of 17 & 18? It would seem odd to
me that there would be a greater likelihood of a weapon breaking or
dropping (at least a missile weapon breaking) if shooting at a figure
merely because he has Unarmed Combat V. (Maybe it makes sense for a melee
weapon to be subject to higher breakage, but I can't see why a bow would
more likely break or be dropped.)
Perhaps four (or more) dice should be used to determine to hit or miss, but
one (or more) dice would be subtracted to determine dropping or breaking a
weapon. Maybe use a die of a different color, designating this to be the
"extra difficult" to-hit die, and ignoring it for dropping/breaking weapon
but counting it against to hit?
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding this talent, and I'd appreciate any
clarifications you all could offer. Thanks! :)
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