From: ed <>
Subject: Re: (TFT) TFT Release
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 20:54:54 +0100
On Mon, 12 Jun 2000 22:44:39 -0400, Michael Taylor
<> wrote:
>Message text written by
>Given that the rights and trademarks to Chivalry and
>Sorcery were sold for less than 10K a couple years back,
>I tend to think such a figure is much more "in the ballpark"
>than than 100k+.
>That's pretty funny - my first reaction was "Why would anyone pay that
>for Chivalry & Sorcery!" Of course, the irony is not lost on me, but I
>still can't imagine what it would have to offer modern gamers! It was
>all, merely a VD&D system!
Have you ever actually seen C&S 1 or 2. It is so much more than a VD&D
system. Otherwise you might as well just say that Melee is just a
Variant Chainmail.
C&S took the concepts of the FRPG and placed them firmly in a
(admittedly generic) medieval setting. It gave a magic system that,
although complex, meant that the magic using character had t actually
get involved and learn the spells, which improved the flavour.
It brought several innovations in Role-playing. Below is a list from
Wilf Backhaus
ed (not Ed Simbalist)
C&S 1st Edition [1977]
Character Generation (11)
1. Use of a single style of dice % /d20
2. Inter-relationships between Attributes *
3. Combining and Factoring Attributes together *
4. Height and Weight making a difference *
5. Body/Fatigue *
6. Limitations based on common sense and reality
7. You could play a 'monster' as a player character *
8. Fully worked out social system rules with status and influence [We
innovated in applying this to Medieval Fantasy environments. It
pre-existed Chevalier in the form of EPT and En Garde.
9. Skills acquired from social background *
10. Forced Alignment
11. Requirement of In-character play to earn experience - thieves get
experience for thieving not being heroes.*
Social Scene (11)
1. Coherent world operating according to known social, political,
natural, and magical laws. Consistency is everything.*
2. Real social structures reflecting the real historical arrangements of
power and position *
3. Basic Influence *
4. Honor system & Chivalry *
5. Courtly Love *
6. Law Enforcement and the existence of Legal systems *
7. Chivalric Orders *
8. Magical Orders *
9. Monsters having Social order as well *
10 Social scene for religions and the church *
11. A realistic economy with manors, etc *
Individual Combat (8)
1. Combat is Movement *
2. Detailed combat system with variable fighting skill levels in various
styles of fighting *
3. Percent based Jousting Rules and the Tournament rules
4. Horses in Combat *
5. TAC Matrix foot combat *
6. Weapon Damage Factor *
7. PC and NPC Morale *
8. Bash *
Mass Combat (4)
1. Mass Combat tied to RPG *
2. Pencil & Paper Skirmish rules
3. Importance of Knights *
4. Tied the Character Generator to Mass Combat through the Military
Ability and Comand factors
Seige & Castles (3)
1. Castle Construction rules *
2. Siege warfare as part of rules *
3.Campaign rules
Clerics (3)
1. Military Orders for Cleric *
2. Real Western religious pattern (The Catholic Church) *
3. Clerics are not mages by another name *
Magick (13)
1. Classes and Modes of magicians: Primitives, Arcane, Mystic *
2. Combo attributes influencing magick *
3. Social background's influence on magick *
4. Magic Resistance *
5. Enchantment of materials and items *
6. Learning Magick *
7. Magical analysis of materials *
8. Evil Priests & Demonology *
9. Alchemy Rules and Alchemical Materials *
10. Artificers *
11. Basic Magick *
12. Practice of Magick potentially very dangerous to magus *
13 Magical targeting *
Experience (3)
1. Vocation based not treasure or killing based *
2. Experience in Downtime *
3. Limitation of Exp Lvl increases
Monsters (3)
1. Traditional monsters treated with respect and as real *
2. Templated NPCs *
3. Dragons handled as real *
C&S 1st Supplements (8) [1978-1980]
1. Real cultures as alternates to Feudal *
2. Non-Human Lizard culture *
3. Mass Battle Pencil & Paper system
4. Expansions of Vocational types: Physicans, Foresters with their
5. Detailed rules for activity behind the economy - prospecting,
6. Bireme & Galley tie in to RPG *
7. Start of Story Telling RPG *
8. Extensive Weather rules
9. Japanese and other cultures for RPG*
C&S 2nd (4) [1983]
1. Cooking as essential *
2. Traveller morale *
3. Point System
4. Advantage/disadvantage in skill adjustments *
Quasi Innovations (3) [1978-1983]
1. Card System for Destier *
2. Arden - Fully realized country
3. Flavor and color *
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