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Re: (TFT) Corporation for Public TFT

      Yea or Nay?
> At $100 per share, I would purchase a share, if no
> one coudl purchase
> more than one.  I have no desire, as someone else
> said, to see any one
> individual own the rights, and although I may not be
> able to prevent it,
> I sure don't want to subsidize it.
> One share, one 'seat', one vote, all interests
> equal, and no man can
> ever walk away with 'his' ball, and shut down the
> game.  Again.

My sentiments exactly. Unless it had to be $150.00 a
share to make it work, in which case I'd still be in.

Yea, for $100.00 'merkin.

Mark Gundel
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