A message from the Mnoren Librarium
A copy of Advanced Wizards has been shipped to the client Mcdonald, Brian.
Congratulations, Brian.
It was shipped U.S. Postal Service with a tracking number per Brian's
suggestion, and should arrive soon. Please return this one week after it
If there are others who would like to check out The Fantasy Trip
materials from the Mnoren Librarium, please send an e-mail to
Hailmelee@hotmail.com with your request and address. I will then
communicate with you as to what is available. The terms of check
out are You pay the cost of shipment to you by reimbursement check.
You pay return shipment. Shipping is either insured or trackable.
How you retain the memory of these materials after you send them back is
up to you.
Thank you for your patronage
Giovanni Paulo
Great Librarian
Mnoren Librarium