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(TFT) Tomb IV

9.	In order to open the sarcophagus, 5D vs. ST must be made to slide the lid
off.  Two characters can try to do this at the same time.  The characters ST
is not combined but each may make the ST roll in one turn.  On opening the
coffin, all characters within a hex of the coffin must make a 5D vs. IQ to
detect traps.  If this roll is not made, a gas bomb will explode and cause
1D damage to anyone within a hex of the tomb.  If the roll is made, the
party will discover that the gas bomb traps the tomb if the lid of the
coffin is removed.  To disarm the trap, a character with REMOVE TRAPS must
make a 3D vs. DX.  Remember those without this talent must roll double the
amount of dice.  Use the rule for gas bombs found in AM p. 23.  Inside is
the skeletal remains of the female occupant, who is wearing a ring worth
$200, a necklace worth $100, and attached to the necklace is a 5 ST battery
gem that needs to be charged.

10.	If the roll is made, the party member who made the roll discovers a
leather satchel.  Inside the satchel is the troll?s treasure.  The bag
contains a +1 DX fine cutlass, a rusted set of chain armor (if cleaned up it
will stop 3 hits, if not it will only stop 2 hits), a gem worth $50, and
$535 in silver.

11.	There is a stone door in front of the party.  In order to go through it
the party must destroy the door or push it open.  To destroy the door, the
party must use a battering ram or blunt weapons.  The door is 6/50
(armor/hits to destroy).  The other way to try to open the door is to push
it open.  This will take a 6d v. ST and up to two characters can perform
this at the same time.  Each character is allowed to roll NOT a combination
of ST.  Remember the fall through rule for door bashing. After the door is
opened, the party enters a mega-megahex-sized chamber from the north.
Across the room in the southern-most megahex is a throne with a figure in
armor sitting on it. On each side of the figure on the throne is what looks
like statues.  Surrounding the figure are five chests, one coffer of which
has silver spilling out of it.   If the party steps in the center megahex at
anytime go to 36.   As the party moves toward the figures in the south part
of the room, everyone in the room must make a 3D vs. DX or get hit by a
large dart coming from the southern wall.  If a party member makes a 5D vs.
IQ DETECT TRAP roll they can avoid the traps trigger (a wire line stretched
across the middle of the room).  This trap cannot be disarmed without
allowing it to go off.  Once the party passes this mid-point, the two
figures that stands on each side of the seated figure attack.

Stone Golems (2; as per Interplay #7 article by Tracy Soldan)
ST 30  DX 11  IQ 6  MA 6  Damage 3-1  Hits Stopped:  5

Once the golems are defeated the party can go toward the skeletal figure on
the throne by going to 21.  Or they can turn back to 3.

12.	 There is a stone door in front of the party.  In order to go through it
the party must destroy the door or push it open.  To destroy the door, the
party must use a battering ram or blunt weapons.  The door is 6/50
(armor/hits to destroy).  The other way to try to open the door is to push
it open.  This will take a 6d v. ST and up to two characters can perform
this at the same time.  Each character is allowed to roll NOT a combination
of ST.  Remember the fall through rule for door bashing.  Once the door is
opened there is a two megahex long hallway going southeast to 5 or if you
are coming from 5, going northwest to 26.  As the party gets to the halfway
point of the hall, have the front members make a 5D vs. IQ to DETECT TRAPS.
If the roll is made, a 4D vs., IQ must be made to disarm the trap.  If the
detect roll is not made or you fail to disarm the trap go to 22.

13.	In order to open the sarcophagus, 5D vs. ST must be made to slide the
lid off.  Two characters can try to do this at the same time.  The
characters ST is not combined but each may make the ST roll in one turn.  On
opening the coffin, all characters within a hex of the coffin must make a 5D
vs. IQ to detect traps.  If this is not made, a large blade will swing out
from the bottom of the causing 3d6wounds to anyone within one hex of the
coffin.  This damage can be avoided if that person makes a 4D vs. DX to get
out of the way or if the trap is disarmed if it was detected.  To disarm the
trap, a character with REMOVE TRAPS must make a 4D vs. DX.  Remember those
without this talent must roll double the amount of dice.  Inside the coffin
is a female skeletal figure wearing a ring worth $300, a necklace worth
$1000, a +1 DX/+2 Damage magic silver dagger, a diamond-studded tiara worth
$5000, and a silver belt worth $300 that is enchanted with the BLUR spell.

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