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(TFT) beeifng up cockatrices

I also rewrote cockatrces to make them more believable and playable (i.e.
kobold sidekicks):

ST:6                MA:6/8
DX:14             Armour:1 pt scales
The cockatrice is a terrestrial chicken-shaped avian carnivore the size of a
turkey that has developed a powerful enzyme-poison to help it flourish in
the wild. Its enzyme only affects mammalian life-forms (reptiles, avians
etc. are immune) and causes an effect like a powerful freeze spell (4/ST to
save against) which lasts for 12 turns. Remove thrown spells will not
reverse the condition but an antidote (known as 'antifreeze', and sometimes
available from kobold or goblin merchants) will. Goblins have been known to
sell a special herbal brew which will reduce the ST roll by 1 die and lasts
3 hours, for $20-120 a dose.
Cockatrices were widespread but almost driven to extinction by mammalian
species (humans, elves etc.) who, not surprisingly, perceived them as a
threat. Some non mammalian races (kobolds mainly, some reptile-men and
gargoyles) have seen their value and cultivated them far from prying eyes.

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