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(TFT) Teaching roleplaying to Power gamers

Message text written by INTERNET:tft@brainiac.com
>>>>>>8)        Tweek rules that force players into 
>>>>>>narrow slots.  My campaign would be far 
>>>>>>different with-out the memory superscript rules.<

Doesn't this rule actually have the opposite effect? 

I actually only allow these types rules AFTER you earn expereince points so
that the group is much more team-oriented because they are all more likely
to be specialists than generalists.

>>>>>>9)        If one player is a problem or cheats,
>>>>>>evict them.  I give one and only one warning.
>>>>>>There are dozens and dozens of more role players
>>>>>>out there who would love to join a good campaign.

And if this is the case -- why do you need the first 8 rules? :-)


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