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Re: Re: (TFT) orbs

>>>>>>>>Well, so far as the orbs are concerned, even if you allow
>>>>>>>>this much flexiblity with gate spells the orbs represent
>>>>>>>>something new: a mobile gate.

Sounds like a good new spell!

    A mobile gate is a frightening thing.  I had one player who wanted to 
put gates in the windy parts of the tops of mountain passes and put the 
other end on his ship facing the sails.  The rule would be verbal 
activation.  I told him that the ship would sail out from under the gate and 
leave it hanging there in the air.
    Another version of the mobile gate is to put a big one across a 
waterfall and the other end (much smaller) in the bottom of a jug.  This 
would be like AD&D's "horn of gushing".  With a word a waterfall of water 
would shoot out of the jug.  One could drown a building from the inside with 
this.  It would eventually fill up and water would pour from the windows and 
door cracks.  I had to rule against this too.
    I fear mobile gates will lead to jet powered flying carpets, volcanic 
magma spewing cauldrons, and portable quicksand traps.  Interesting, but too 
wild for the political campaigns I like to run.
    David Michael Grouchy II
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