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Re: (TFT) TFT: Heal Spell Correction

From: "Dave Seagraves" <dseagraves@austin.rr.com>

HEAL (T): This spell heals physical wounds with a
successful spell roll.

   Cost: 5 ST for every hit healed.

   Also, just like the Physicker talents this spell
will only work once for each episode of being wounded,
such as combat.  Any remaining hits taken must be
healed normally.  [Andrew Morris]

  (So a 40 ST Heal -- if you can swing it -- will
fully restore a figure who's taken 8 hits.)

For the firts time ever, I would consider allowing a Healing spell in my campaign. Secretly I have always wanted one. Too many characters have lost an arm or a leg to a crippling hit, not to have one, but every other version has been way too powerfull. As a side note on restoring lost limbs in TFT. Just three weekends ago a GM allowed us to use shapeshifting on a hundred refugees who were all missing their left hand. At $37 a pop at the local wizards guild it was quite a bargan. Time is the only factor now, and being refugees they arn't going anywhere.

   David Mihcael Grouchy II
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