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(TFT) Curses!
Curse. Thrown Spell, 2 ST per -1 you give the target. Penalty applies
to every die roll, always applied so as to clash with the target's
intent. (That intent presumably divined by the GM.)
It's a good spell. Soften up the threat of that big ugly monster...
Much cheaper than trying to protect a party of 8, just throw a hefty
Curse on the beastie, and save the ST you'd have used on Blurs , <insert
hard substance here> Flesh, and the like.
Better still, it lasts until a Remove Thrown Spell is cast over the
target, so if you have to run away from the beastie, it's likely to
still be in effect when you come back.
Hopefully nobody's arguing with any of the above, but what fun is
_that_? :)
So, what happenes if you throw a 6-ST Curse (-3 on all rolls) on a foe,
and then cast _another_ one? -6 on all rolls? -3 on all rolls, but
each Curse removed seperately? Or (I like this best) -3 on all rolls,
and -3 to any Remove Thrown Spells cast against the first Curse?
The rules would support either of the first two interpretations. That
last one just seems more correct to me. To help avoid abuse, I'd rule
that the largest Curse is the one that affects die rolls, the 2nd
largest affects RTS attempts on the largest, the 3rd on the 2nd, etc.
(And remember the Rule of Five) I'd also allow Conceals to be cast on
To keep in line with folklore, I would let a Curse be self-removing, if
conditional terms were met. Those conditions could be broad or narrow,
but once stated, are beyond the control of the caster. It's just too
genre not to do, "True love's first kiss", and all that.
Anybody care to rule in on whether Curses affect damage rolls? I say
yes. I can see why someone might say no.
Borrowing a page from the 'special effects' of The Hero System, we
locally allowed Curses to have icky cosmetic effects, like boils,
ulcerous sores, or kicking frog legs growing from the target's body.
Not strictly canon, I know, but lots of fun.
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