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Re: Re: RE: (TFT) What's the game effect of Nausea?

From: srydzews@ix.netcom.com

> > >I feel uneasy about the Nausea.
> >
> > Here is what I came up with.
> > Nausea - Figure is at -1 ST, -1 DX and -1 IQ for the duration...
> ST & DX OK, but IQ?

Sure.  It's hard to concentrate when you feel like you're
about to throw up.

However, I agree with the comment (Rick's?) that *any*
sort of nausea affect brought on by witnessing this
spell may be a bit much.

I kind of doubt that adventurers who don't bat an eye at
fighting giant amoebas, think nothing of the gouts of blood
drenching them as they hack off the limbs of evil-doers,
and are utterly unaffected (in game terms) by seeing their
friends roasted alive by fireballs would be especially
nauseated by witnessing the effects of the butter flesh

(Or if they would be, there are innumerable other things
that should have similar effects.)
    I agree.  I don't think witnessing "Butter Flesh" would be enough to 
induce nausea in an adventurer.  Maybe not even an adult.  If it had to be a 
saving through how about 2D vs ST so only a child would fail.
    Is there anything else that could cause strong nausea.  Nausea 
powerfull enough to affect attributes.  Even, of hardened warriors.
    Nausea is a symptom of shock.  So is weakness.  Now weakness already 
exists as a TFT spell effect (ST-1).  I would make nausea similar to 
weakness.  But going into shock is something that a hardened warrior doesn't 
do.  Not DURING the fight any way.  Some veterans have been known to suffer 
from shock hours after the fight, but that doesn't help here.
    Magically induced Nausea I can see.  One particular flavor of a Curse 
spell.  Some wizard curses a person to perpetual nausea.  Then they would 
suffer -1 to all attributes, just like Michael Taylor wrote.
    David Michael Grouchy II
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