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Re: (TFT) civilized dogs

> Cas,
>    No, I missed that one.  Whats this about.  It sounds like
> they were getting puppy dogs out of the experiment.  From foxes!?
>    David Michael Grouchy II
From: "Cas and Lisa (also Silvia, Max & Viveka) Liber"

DMG it was some show about a group of people trying to breed
silver foxes to get the coats rahter than keep killing them
in the wild (i..e. farming them) and was higihlighting the
unexpected side effect of all these funny puppies with spotty
coats etc (i.e. not so good for fur coats). It was just one
of those interestngi things I saw while channel surfing one
day - can't remember much else about it.
I've got a line on this now. This is a direct reference to Darwins' "Origin of the Species." I found it this afternoon. Darwin pointed out early in his work that in the wild a species will show a lot of homogenity. This, he wrote, is the result of the harsh conditions in nature. Once domesticated, though, a species will show great deviation as the mutations are not eliminated. He even specifically mentions foxes getting floppy ears, saying that it was due to a lack of stress causing them to stay alert all the time and keeping the muscles of the ear in use.
  David Michael Grouchy II

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