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RE: (TFT) Weapon Multiplier --> Repost

Hello everyone.
	One thing I did not like in TFT was that
the people who moved second could run wide 
around someone facing them and get side or
rear hexes.

	Let's give an example, Dwarr the dwarf has
the normal MA 10.  Homan (a human) is standing
just two hexes away (so there is one blank
hex directly between them). The two are standing
on the hex grain.

	The roll for initiative and Homan loses.
Dwarr tells Homan to move first.  For one reason
or another Homan chooses to stand still.  Dwarr
can now run 5 hexes:  One hex forward and to his
left.  Another hex in the forward and left. One 
hex straight forward.  One hex forward and to his
right (he is now in Homan's side).  One hex 
forward and to his right (he is now in Homan's

	Dwarr can attack with +4 DX and Homan can do

	This is for a figure with no special movement
abilities!  If you give people Running or Racing 
talents, Speed Movement or Haste magic items and
the situation only gets worse.

	One could argue that this encourages large
parties that make it harder for enemies to sweep
around the flanks, which is true I suppose.

	However realistically, if someone was racing
around behind me, it would be much quicker for me
to change my facing so when they arrive I'm facing 
them.  The rules below help fix this problem.

	I've been using the rules below for a couple 
years and they seem to work well.

	Last minute twist rules.  
	(c) 2001 Richard Wayne Smith

	After all figures have moved, there is a new
part of the movement phase when people can make last
minute twists.  Any figure can change their facing
and receive a -2 DX adjustment for the remainder of
the turn.  The people who moved first twist first,
followed by those who moved second, third, etc.

	After everyone has had a chance to do a last
minute twist, anyone may twist again taking a further
-2 DX for the turn again in movement order.  This 
may be repeated many times if people so choose.

	Optional rule.
	If a player wishes, they may spin, which makes
all of their hexes sides hexes. They may not attack 
while spinning but may dodge or defend.

	Notes:  Reading the rules it may seem that you
get long periods of people twisting: (e.g. "NO, I'll 
twist Here!"  "Oh yah? then I'll twist HERE!"  "Oh 
yah? then my figure will twist...", etc.)

	In actual play however, it is rare to see a 
double twist for -4 DX.  Knowing that people can 
twist means that movement often speeds up. Rather 
than slowly and carefully counting and recounting 
hexes so you know that a quick enemy can't duck in 
behind your forces you know that your character won't 
lose his attack just for moving first.

	Since you know you won't get an unanswered 
attack, much of the desire for ducking in behind 
enemies goes away.  Moving straight forward into 
combat become a better option which looks more
realistic and speeds movement.

	People who have enemies around them are still
pretty much hosed, maybe if they get the _last_ 
twist they can keep everyone in their fronts, but 
those -2 DX add up pretty quick.  If they want to do
anything they eventually have to stand.  

	If anyone has any questions on the twist rules
drop me a line.


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