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RE: (TFT) d20 TFT Campaign Update

My brother did something like this in his house rules where, at IQ18, the wizard could learn the Sorcerer's Tongue that contained various Words of Power that decreased the cost and  increased the duration of spells.  If anyone is interested I'll dig up the rule and send them out.


Long time lurker, First time Poster.

-----Original Message-----
High IQ And Spell ST Costs
As a wizard improves his understanding of magic, he finds easier ways to
cast spells and decreases their ST cost. If his IQ is five points above the
IQ level of a spell, he may cast the spell at one ST less than the spell
cost. Spells are maintained every two turns after the first two turns the
spell is in effect. If his IQ is ten points higher than the IQ level of the
spell, he may cast it for two points less than the ST cost of the spell.
Spells are maintained every three turns after the first three turns the
spell is in effect. A spell must still cost a minimum of 1 ST point when
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