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(TFT) Columbia Games

Sorry for the misinterpretation Rick.   As far as Harn goes,  I should have said the world is well thought out but not their modules.  Columbia products ( I believe they are from your neck of the woods) are kind of pricy though and I agree with your grief about this module, as well as some others.  The Search for Panaga campaign is pretty good though.  It begins with 100 Bushels of Rye, goes though Kiraz, and ends in another dimension (that modules title alludes me now).  As far as a dwarven mine goes,  what was the name of the Metagaming game about moving characters though a dwarven mine.  I used that one time in my campaign.  As far as worlds go for a campaign, I used Gamelord's Haven prior to them getting the rights to produce the two modules for TFT.  I just tacked them on to the Haven module.     Yours in Cidri,  Justin                      

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