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Re: (TFT) Healing spells in TFT.

rsmith wrote:
My questions is how would you summarize the
healing spells in your campaign?
There aren't any.  True, in the past I have fooled around with such spells but 
such things have fallen by the wayside.  I rather like the no free lunch/quick 
healing arrangement.  I guess this is the one 'controversial' point of the game 
where I toe the Jackson line.  I can see why a GM might want to allow it, but 
it's just not for me.
(Also, while I'm not usually Mr. Encumberance Maniac I definitely take an 
interest in someone's gear arrangement if they want to have 3 gallons of healing 
potion on tap.)
The most I'd probably allow in my game would be something that doubled a 
person's natural healing rate.
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