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(TFT) wounds


Instead of being dead at zero St the character goes into shock. With medical treatment they may recover. With out, shock can lead to death. After the shock table below are the categories of damage a character can recive. The category most characters will be interested in is Mechanical Trauma because this is the type of injury caused by normal weapon attacks. The majority of armour is designed to give protection against Mechanical Trauma, but may provide little, or no, protection against other types of wounds. Luckily for most characters, other types of injuries than mechanical are infrequent and rarely seen.

Shock table
0     Disorientation:  at a distance they seem restless.
-1    Air hunger:  rapid and shallow breathing, and/or thirst.
-2    Dazed:  mental confusion, dizziness and pale skin.
-3    Weakness:  dry mouth, and they seem calm and tired.
-4    Thready pulse:  weak, rapid, and low strength.
-5    Clammy skin:  reduced arterial blood pressure.
-6    Nausea:  blotch or bluish skin especially around mouth.
-7    Dialated pupils
-8    Vomiting
-9    Convulsions
-10   Comatose.

Types of Damage

Biological: This covers diseases. The numbers listed are the average save vs. Strength required to overcome the disease in it's early stages.
         Intestinal (2d):  Acquired by ingestion of infected material.
Respiratory (3d): "Droplet Infection" via the mouth, nose, and throat.
         Insect borne (4d):  Transmitted by blood sucking insects.

Chemical: Gases, bases, acids, and drugs. Some of the Gases can be found on the AIR page.

Electrical discharges: In most cases of low voltage (like a house hold current) CPR is the first aid used to revive the person. Asphyxia may have been caused the current stimulating the nerves which sometimes results in stopped breathing. Amperage determines the intensity of the electrocution, and voltage is the electromotive force (most house holds have low amperage which is safer). Discharges of electricity need an entry and a discharge point to course through either a person or item. High voltage (lightning is about 55,000 volts) disrupts nerve impulses and may cause cardiac arrest.

Frostbite: Occurs on the ears, nose, fingers, and feet. Weakness, lack of clothing, or insufficiency of peripheral blood vessels may help it to occur in extremely cold tempuratures. The symptoms are; sharp prickling from numb, hard area of the skin. The symptoms of a terminal case are swelling, blisters, tissue dies and sloughs off, and the area is extremely susceptible to infection.

Cold exposure: To the entire body, unlike just the extremitites given in frostbite, over long periods of time result in the following sequence.
         1    Blood is diverted deeper into the body.
2 Edema and fluid seepage through skin called hypotension. Hypotension is a type of blood loss through the skin because of heat or cold injuries. It may cause shock the same way blood loss does under the CUT rules.
         3    Anoxia of skin and tisssue under skin.
4 Blood begins to cool and all organs are affected, usually followed by death.

Fire/Heat: Since every bit of fire in the game already has some kind of damage value assigned to it, here are the medical definitions of those damages.
         1-5   First degree burn:  pain and some edema
         6-10  Second degree burn: blisters and considerable edema
11-15 Third degree burn: epidermis destroyed, charring of muscles and nerve endings, extremely susceptible to infection, fluid loss, electrolyte loss, and desperately needs a skin graft.

Mechanical Trauma: Injury to a portion of the body by a blow, crush, abrasion, cut, or penetrating wound. Complications are fracture, hemorrhage, and infection. First a table of the weapons and the types of damage they do. Then the details on the damage.

CLUB:                 CUT:               JAB:           STUN:
3 sectional staff     Boomerang iron     Arrow          Berzerk is immune
Bola Cat-o-nine tails Cestus Flamming lotus is immune
Boomerang wooden      Claws              Claws          Head smash
Bo staff              Halberd            Dagger         Roll
Chain                 Kama               Epee           Slam
Hammer                MACE               Foil           Tackle
Flail                 SWORD              Saber          Throw person
Kusari                POLEARM            Morning star   Hook pulldown
Nunchucka                                Main gauche    Sheild rush
Sap                                      shuriken
Staff                                    scythe
Tonfa                                    CROSSBOW

Cut [capillary, venious, and arterial bleeding & STUN]: An incision will cause capillary bleeding (blood oozes from the wound) at 1-4 points of damage to help clean out the wound, prevent infection, and will then coagulate on its own. An incision of 5-7 points of damage will cause venous bleeding (Blood flows from the wound) in additon to the normal DX-2 next turn, and will require direct pressure to assist the coaglulation. If not, the character will bleed to death by the end of the day. Arterial bleeding (blood spurts from the wound) is restricted to wounds of 8 or more points of damage in this game, and will require medical assistance. A Physicker applied and monitored tourniquet, or cauterization to treat. The character will bleed out 7% of their blood a minute. The average man has 5 liters of blood so figure 0.5 liters per point of strength for any blooded creature. Loss of 10-19% causes adrenaline. Loss of 20% causes clammy skin. Every 14% causes a loss of -2 to Ma. Loss of 50% or more will lead to death. And even if a turniquet is applied correctly, the cutoff of blood flow to that limb can still kill the character. Unless the Physick is monitoring the turniquet and adjusting it's tightness occassionally. Club [bruise, edema, and fracture & STUN]: A smash for 1-4 points of damage will cause colorful bruising which is caused by blood coagulating under the skin. A smash of 5-7 will cause edema and give the victim DX-1 per case of swelling. It is not for next turn only, but untill the wound is healed down to only 3 points. A smash of 8 or more points will cause a fracture and render a limb useless, or break a number of ribs equal to the damage -6. JAB [INFECTION, edema, arterial bleeding & STUN]: Creates a puncture wound which doesn't allow nearly enough bleeding to wash out the chance of infection, unless an artery was punctured (eight or more points of damage), in which case te blood will purt out of the little hole (see arterial bleeding under CUT above). If the character is jabbed for 5-7 points of damage they During the first nights sleep the total damage received in jab(s) is added up and subtracted from the wounded character's strength. The results are applied as follows. -1 to -4 = INFECTION (delays healing of wound by one week), -5 to -7 = edema (swelling causing Dx-1 per wound) and INFECTION (delays healing one week), -8 or higher = bacterimic shock (an infection that has spread to the circulartory system, death will ensue in St days). STUN [normally lose movement this turn and next action]: The standard stun causes a character to get knocked down and if they haven't actioned this turn, they loose their action, but if they have they loose the action next turn. CUT, CLUB, and JAB all automatically cause a stun on 8+ damage. The stunned character must also drop any ready weapons they have.

Poisons and pisoning: See some limited information on the TOXICOLOGY page.

Pressure, changes in: This covers decompression sikness like the bends (caisson disease) and/or nitrogen narcosis. This also includes shok waves, or what is more commonly called blast injury; which is just a more sudden form of pressure change in gas or liquids. Caisson Disease: (the bends) Expansion of gas in the blood stream. The incremental effects are: soreness, stiffness, pain, character bends all limbs due to pressure of gas in the joints, character doubles over, assumes fetal position, blood vessels rupture and cause minor internal hemorrhaging, intestines rupture, death. Decompression sickness: Victim suffers from Nitrogen Narcosis, and caisson disease.
         Nitrogen narcosis:  At stage 7+ death usually ensues.
              1   Dizzy
              2   Giddy
              3   Talks nonsence
              4   Talks to things/fish
              5   Hallucinates
              6   Hums to self
              7   Goes into fetal position
              8   Unconscious
              9   Comatose
Blast: These injuries come in two phases. Body violently squeezed, may hurt chest or abdomen. Wave of lowered pressure: over expansion of body may; rupture lungs, rupture other organs, or intestins. In the case of a grenade or petard, 8+ in actual damage taken to a character will result in one of the last three. 16+ if the detonation took place outside the Labrynth in the open air.

Radiation: Alpha, beta, and gama. Clothing stops the first one. Armor the second. And only magic, or earthworks stops the third.

Shock metamorphism: Changes of physiology due to high impact or excessive force. If a character takes more damage than their entire St in one blow, even to a limb or other extremity, it still has a chance to kill them. This literally changes the physiological structure of the individual, or part of the individual , so struck. Divide the damage by the character's St. This is the number of dice they need to save vs. St to live. An example is in order. Say a building fell on Feldman's arm and did 40 points of damage to it. Now granted, the arm is lost. But the shock wave of an impact that intense will travel up the tissue and blood pressure like a tidal wave. He has a St of 10 and has to roll 4d vs. St or die instantly. And once removed the bones in his arm will not be shattered will appear to the casual observer to have grown flat from his youth.

    David Michael Grouchy II

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