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Re: Hedge Wizards (was Re: (TFT) New way to improve characters.

(Industrial Abuse alert)

Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 20:46:56 -0400
From: Stan <srydzews@ix.netcom.com>

Repair (IQ 9, 3 fST) The Repair spell fixes broken items.  It will rejoin two
pieces of an object that has been broken, for instance a rope that has snapped
or a board that has been sawn or chopped through.  Only minor amounts of
material may be missing (for instance the sawdust from a cut board).  The
quality of the repair depends on how well the two pieces fit together but in
most cases the repair is perfect.  Nothing larger than six inches in diameter
can be rejoined with this spell.
	Cheaper and just as good as the original (Repair, IQ 12, ST 
cost 6) from AW for most breaks (arguably, the GM can correct by 
insisting that most breaks go into multiple pieces. Can multiple 
castings of this spell put together an item broken into (say) 5 or 6 
Reconstitute (IQ 12, 4 fST) Similar to the Repair spell, Reconstitute will
restore an item of up to 20 pounds, no matter how many fragments into which it
has been broken. At least 90% of the item must be present. It will not restore
chemical alterations; an item that has been burned or dissolved can not be
Reconstituted. The workings of the spell will not forcibly drive out one object
from another.  For example it will not fix a nail-hole if the nail is still in
the hole.
	*Way* better than the original, still cheaper in ST and works 
up to 9 kg or so vs. the original 2 kg. Both this and the last make 
me nervous, because they practically obsolete the canon Repair.
Burnish (IQ 8, 1 fST) This spell will remove rust or other oxidation from metal
items having a total surface area of no more than 12 square feet.  If multiple
items are to be affected they must all be touching.  It can affect a large box
of tools, weapons or nails, or a section of a larger surface.  If cast on
rust-free items it renders them polished and (if appropriate) sharpened.
	Lots quicker than sharpening swords, either at forging or 
after a battle. Wizard (and not a great wizard) can do one of these 
every 15 minutes. It'd take *way* longer for an armorer to polish and 
hone a new sword.
	If an item repeatedly rusts and gets "Burnished", does it get 
thinner? (i.e., does the spell get rid of the oxygen or the oxidized 
	Will become de rigeur for ceremonial guards.
Can this make axles, gears, siege engines, etc more efficient by truing and smoothing their bearing surfaces?
Charm Vermin (IQ 9, 1 fST) Affects vermin of up to rat-size in the megahex
surrounding the caster.  Only the type of creature specified by the caster is
affected.  Affected vermin will docilely follow the caster for 15 minutes if
they are physically able.  For instance the caster could walk through a house,
casting this on occasion, to rid it of mice or roaches. When the spell ends the
creatures resume their normal activities, although the caster will often lead
them into a stream to drown them or an enclosed area to trap them.  Note that
the spell will 'penetrate' into holes at least as large as the vermin
themselves; it can draw termites from wood or rats from their dens.

[The item version of this spell of course would require a musical instrument.]
	Of course.
What's the *minimum* size of the vermin? Else could become a very cheap "Cleansing" spell (cure any disease caused by invading bacteria, viruses, etc.).
Separate (IQ 10, 2 fST) Affects a single hex of material (approximately 10 cubic
feet).  The caster names a particular sort of substance present in the hex and
it is drawn forth from the remainder. It can draw pure water from mud, separate coins by type, wheat from chaff, etc. The spell will not break chemical bonds,
so for instance it can't draw iron from iron ore.  Living organisms and
components thereof can not be affected by the spell, nor will the Separated
material burst through sealed containers or other substantial barriers.
	Oh my gosh. Instant dry clothes, or freeze-dried (preserved) 
foods. Powdered milk. Instant pure water. Instant clean air in a 
smoke-filled room. Is it smart enough to tell *hot* water from *cold* 
water? If so, Maxwell's Daemon for only IQ 10 and 2 fST. Remove 
poison from poisoned foods. Remove toxins, then bacteria and fungus 
from tainted foods. How smart is it, actually? Could render many 
inedible items (mushrooms, etc.) perfectly edible, by sucking out the 
toxins. "Cleansing" for much cheaper. Can you "draw forth" enchanted 
(cursed) items off a character? Can you draw forth magic items out of 
a pile of loot? Can you draw forth Gold from gold-bearing ore (as it 
probably isn't chemically combined) or diamonds from piles of 
diamond-mine tailings? Can you draw forth *everything* inside a jar, 
leaving a perfect vacuum? That's gotta be good for some relativistic 
gate abuse later on ....
	Nearly or completely obsoletes: Fresh Air, Remove Cursed 
Object, Detect Magic, (item) Unicorn Horn.
	Could correct *some* of this by saying what's left behind is 
shredded/rendered useless, but players will then try to draw forth 
the diseased person leaving the disease germs behind, etc.
Heat/Cool (IQ 8, 1+ ST) This spell raises or lowers the temperature of a single solid item (or body of liquid) weighing no more than 20 pounds. The temperature
is shifted 10 degrees Fahrenheit per point of fST invested.  The item radiates
heat according to its adjusted temperature.  The effect lasts for 24 hours.
Living creatures can not be affected. It can be used to make ice or a lightless
'campfire'.  Gasses can not be affected by the spell, nor can any substance be
heated to the point where it would become gaseous.
	Metalworkers and glassworkers will *love* this spell if it 
can be cast repeatedly on a single item. 50 ST to put 20 pounds of 
metal up 500 F for a whole day? Wow. And then there are 
superconductors, only 45 ST in the other direction. Or plain water, 
which becomes a very practical structural material for about 7 fSt/20 
lbs. What use is a fire that doesn't use oxygen? Plenty, I'll bet. 
Can catch almost anything on fire with enough ST. Is this thrown? If 
so, can kill almost anything biological up to 20 lbs. If it has a 
multi-strength version, can kill humans for (say) 10 fST, by messing 
up internal body temp.
Remove Blemish (IQ 11, 4 fST)
Remove Defect (IQ 14, 6 fST)
These seem hard to abuse too much.

Proof (IQ 9, 1 or 2 fST) This spell will affect up to fifty square feet of
material, rendering it impermeable to water (1 fST) or air (2 fST).  Nothing
with large gaps or holes can be affected.  For instance it can render a sack
capable of holding water, but will not make chainmail waterproof.  The effects
last one week.
	Makes He/H2 airships/balloons *much* easier to build (unless 
the "Air" version does not include other gases).
Rotproof (IQ 10, 3 fST) A casting of the Rotproof spell affects up to 100 pounds
of material, which will then not decay for a period of one month.  Meat or
vegetables will not rot, metal will not rust, etc. Living creatures can not be
affected.  Of course the spell will not prevent pests from infesting or
devouring affected materials.
	Wow. This would be *incredibly* valuable for a campaign or an 
ocean voyage. 100 lbs. of rations for just 3 fST? Fresh eggs, fruit, 
etc for a whole month? Are there abuses involved with stopping stuff 
that *wants* to rot? ("Why isn't my cheese/beer/compost/whatever 

The weapon/armor enchantment could potentially be expanded so that it is useful
on tools.  I would expect that in general, each plus would add 20% to the
effectiveness of the item.  Who would bother?  Well, a cross-cut saw that let
you cut down 40% more trees in a day would probably add 20% to the daily profits
of a lumberjack.  (If we assume half of his workday is spent actually cutting
down trees.) It could easily be worth it over time. Tools that routinely break
when in use, such as mining picks, would NOT be good candidates for this.
... unless they were also "fine" in which case they would break much 
less often. Or immune to Break, in which case they wouldn't break. 
I'd say this would be absolutely typical for any hard-use tool (axes, 
saws, scythes, etc. etc. etc.) But I don't see much disadvantage to 
allowing this. Same deal for mining picks. Buy lots, as you need 
them, for a high cumulative price, or buy a really good one and pay 
it off with increased productivity.
BTW, my favorite "Hedge wizard" spell is "Light". Set out the 
lanterns every evening before turning in. Advertising. Reading lamps. 
Light up dark cellars or closets. Same goes for the "Light" item. 
Light pollution may be a big problem on Cidri.
					- Mark
			210-522-6025, page 888-733-0967
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