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Re: Fwd: FW: (TFT) Gandalf Falls

From: "David Michael Grouchy II" <david_michael_grouchy_ii@hotmail.com>

From: "Marty Brown" <marty@mythicentertainment.com>

I tried to reply to you via the list, however my posts never seem to see the
light of day.  I wonder why...  Anyway, here's the reply.
Just two wild guesses here. Either you need to turn off HTML formating for your e-mails, because the news group automatically strips off attachments to protect itself from viruses, or your computer actually has some kind of trojan or spam-bot and has been spamming the news server and had to be blocked.
  But like I said.  These are just two wild guesses.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Brown [mailto:marty@mythicgames.com]


   I don't think wizardly spells can adequately account for
Gandalf's surviving the fall.  From what I understand (and
I'm not really a Tolkien buff so I may very well be in error)
Gandalf is basically an immortal, nigh a god - not your run-
of-the-mill wizard.  The encounter with the Balrog was a
catalyst for his transformation to Gandalf the White - a
more powerful manifestation of his being.

  Hmmm... now that I think of it, I'm not sure he (Gandalf
the Grey) survived the fall at all.

  Well this view of it does cover more of the whole scope of the encounter. 
 I bet that would be a kickin solo adventure.  "Fight the balrog from the 
middle of cavern lake, through the entire mines, all the way to the top of 
the mountain."
  But I was left with the impresion that Gandalf the Grey didn't shuffle 
off this mortal coil untill after he 'smote his (the balrog's) ruin on the 
side of the mountain.  But yes.  Falling that far, and running for three 
days are super hero type events.  I wonder how a GM could represent this.  
Gandalf starts in the lake with 3 fatigue (from inpact), and Aragorn and the 
boys end the three days run with 3 fatigue.  I mean in TFT rules this would 
put them all closer to death.
  David Michael Grouchy II

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