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Re: (TFT) Questions about forcing retreat

From: John J Hyland <johnnyboytmm@juno.com>

Wait, in order to force retreat you have to be the one who inflicts melee damage, which I thought would preclude disengaging, as you only get one action per turn.

I suppose you could rule that the forcing retreat overrides the engagement rules
    Not necessary.

Before this becomes two confusing here are two specific examples. As always, this is just the "way I play". As such it may be totally wrong.
    Bart has a goblin directly in front of him and an orc at his back.  
Both the orc and goblin either miss or do zero damage this turn.  Bart hits 
and wounds the goblin.  At the end of the turn after all movements and 
actions, bart gets to forceback the goblin.  Optionally he may follow up the 
goblin occupying the hex just emptied.
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ gob   \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ bart  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/  orc  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
positions during actions

/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ gob   \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ bart  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/  orc  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
force back

/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ gob   \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ bart  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/  orc  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
optional follow up

The way I read this, bart is still engaged. But by the goblin, and not the orc. The orc is not cheated of his attack, because he already got one during actions (at Dx+4), and next turn he can easily re-engage bart.
    As to the defencive line...

/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ gob2  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/ gob1  \_____/ gob3  \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ bart  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
positions during actions

/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ gob   \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
/     \       /     \
/ gob1  \_____/ gob2  \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ bart  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
force back

/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ gob   \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/ bart  \_____/
/     \       /     \
/ gob1  \_____/ gob3  \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
/     \       /     \
/       \_____/       \
\       /     \       /
\_____/       \_____/
optional follow up

Weather or not bart is still engaged by gob1 & gob3 at this point doesn't matter. They can easily change facing next turn to re-engage. But for Bart to be able to punch into the line like this (into not through) all three goblins had to do zero damage, and Bart had to hit and wound.
    David Michael Grouchy II

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