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Re: (TFT) RE: What's the best starting character in Melee?
> At 04:55 PM 5/2/04 -0400, Stan wrote:
> >Interesting. Hm, but given that:
> >
> >
> >has 72% wins, and:
> >
> >
> >(the same guy but no armor) has 75% wins, I
> >think perhaps a larger sample size is needed.
> I doubt it. My money's on the guy who usually
> hits, over the guy who only hits 50% but soaks
> 2/hit.
> I think a similar guy with a large shield and
> no armor might do better than either of them.
A fact about heavy-armor bouts is they tend to last
more rounds, thus increasing the overall probability
of breaking/dropping a weapon (as well as
double/triple damage). I didn't include all of the
stats in the web page, but there were a lot of
interesting match-ups.
I may turn the whole thing into an Applet, if I can
get over a few technical hurdles while keeping it simple.
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