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Re: (TFT) Marauder Power Suit.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Peter von Kleinsmid <pvk@oz.net>
Reply-To: tft@brainiac.com
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 10:31:50 -0800
>At 11:16 AM 12/6/04 -0600, rmorger wrote:
>>ST 22, FT 22, DX 12, IQ 10, PA 2d6 MA 12 hits stopped per armor
>>rules, weapons as per weapons list all energy weapons at 1d6 less
>>damage than human weapons.
>>All 4 of these characters would be 1.5 hex creatures.
>FT = fatigue capacity?
Fatigue Tolerance or Fatigue Capacity
>PA = what?
Psionic Ability
>What's a 1.5 hex creature? 1-hex but 1.5 x weight of equipment,
>spell costs, etc?
Basically the size of a large reptileman larger than a 1 hex but
smaller than two.
>I tend to think one might want to use a different hex scale for
>high-tech combat, since the weapons tend to have a lot more
>range. At least megahexes rather than hexes, I'd think, unless in
>a really close space.
I was thinking equal to a mega megahex for actual size of each
hex, isnt that approximately 10 meters across?
>As for my usual realism-oriented thoughts (which I label as such
>to encourage others to ignore if they please):
Can and will do as necessary :)
>I also thought of bugs as more like megahex-or-larger, which
>would make them big targets. As I recall, they were also
>described as very tough, meaning higher armor and/or damage
>capacity and/or multiple target locations with different effects
>for them being taken out, much like the powered armor might have.
See I didnt get that from the book and I just reread it a short
while ago also. The book mentioned nemerical superiority in
several locations but never said the bugs were huge. So I took
that to mean that they won by mass attack.
The book also said you could kill off thousands of bugs, that they
would be replaced likely before the MI ever got off the planet.
>Seems like ST 22 for a skinny might make it strangely hard to
>kill when unarmored, again depending on what your damage
>numbers are like.
The books description of skinnies was lacking so this is my
>The book's (and the AH game's) description of powered armor was
>that their suits made them a more than a match for a "squadron"
>of tanks. Nearly invulnerable, nearly flying, huge strength,
>precision, and a stockpile of weapons which could take out groups
>and buildings at once, not to mention tactical nuclear weapons.
That was the AH games interpretation I believe.
The book stated that the suits increased anything your body could
do many times over, could make huge hops with their jumpjets and
had a mess of weapons that could be used for attack/defense
>Yet the bugs were still a challenge, and considered quite tough,
>and not because of massive numbers as in the semi-recent film.
I see this differently like an antpile the defend/attack using
superior numbers
>However, the numbers I see suggested range from top-end TFT
>strengths, to perhaps slightly above 20th Century values. The
>bugs just mentioned don't look much tougher than big TFT
>Hymenopterrans, for example.
Basically what I am basing my bugs on.
>And if we can agree that 20th Century firearms have better
>penetration than say a 14th Century crossbow (average 10.5
>points, so an assault rifle might be at least more like average
>20, firing three such shots per trigger pull), then armor values
I agree with the penetration but not necessarily the damage. A .22
has better penetration than a 14th century crossbow but 99 out of
100 times will probably do less damage.
>At 09:41 AM 12/6/04 -0500, you wrote:
>>Power armor with ST as well as hits stopped was also where I
went with it
>>- though I plugged the hits stopped as 10, since I figured a
full suit of
>>batlearmor was equivalent to fine plate magicked to +4, with an
>>ST of 100, but if targeted using hit locations 15 for head and
each limb,
>>40 body.
>Wouldn't be proof against even a typical late 20th Century
>infantry weapon. One assault rifle burst hit to the head could
>take it out easily, as could a couple of bursts to the torso. Not
>to mention the multiple machineguns mounted on even one tank, let
>alone a squadron of them.
I'll worry about that when I am battling tanks :)
Robert Morger
Pangaea_TFT Fantasy RPG adventure
MobileInfantry a Storm Troopers RPG
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