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RE: (TFT) Hollow Cidri

From: Rick Smith <rsmith@lightspeed.ca>
So my take for a while was a hollow world.
Anyway, that was always my take on what Cidri was:  A
hollow artificial world with the rock ~500 km thick
and ~150,000 km in radius.  That would give you a
surface area of about 500,000,000,000 square km which
(including the inside) felt about right.

This is perhaps the best scientific explanation for Cidri I have read. It's about the only thing that could make sense given curent notions of science. However, working out day and night would be tricky.
As for myself, as a kid and now, I don't worry too much about what Cidri is. 
 I assume that the Mnoren were people with super amounts of intelligence 
and whose science science was so advanced that it would kae our highest 
technology look like rattling chicken bones in comparison.  And with that 
knowledge and technology, the Mnoren were able to construct a vast planet 
that is far larger than earth, that still had seasons and climatic zones, 
and that still had a moon and stars and so on.  After all, it's a *fantasy* 
game, and I didn't try to press the premise too far -- not with elves and 
orcs and magical items and so on floating around.
Instead, my interest was in mapping Cidri; hence, my other post ...

Be well.

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