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RE: (TFT) Poll - TFT Books We'd Like to See

1.  Assuming there was an Open-TFT license, what books
 would you like to see published for the system?
	"Blackmoor" by Dave Arneson.

2.  What is your favorite RPG supplement that would be
 cool to have for TFT?
	"Teagle Manor" by Judges Guild.

3.  What is your favorite TFT supplement/rulebook/adventure
 that you wish there were more of for TFT?
	"Advanced Melee" with more weapons, aimed shots, mounted, and flying rules.

4.  What is your favorite rules expansion or adventure from
this mailing list that you think is worthy to be a published
TFT supplement?
	Greff's Journal, by Rick Smith

    David Michael Grouchy II
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