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Re: (TFT) Re: TFT Digest V3 #699

At 10:56 AM 9/8/05 -0500, Ty Beard wrote:
Hmmn. Yes, I can see the issue. Rather than buy a single spell for 2 points, you'd be better off buying the Wizard skill for 1 point, then that spell for 1 point. <shrug> Well, I'm not sure that this is a real problem. Either way, it will be expensive and difficult to be a fighter-mage or even a thief-mage. And the game world explanation could be that the Wizard skill represents training by a member of the Wizard's Guild, which is expensive and requires a 3 year apprenticeship or a *big* pile of cash. Buying just the spell at 2 points (or 20 ep) represents a self-taught ability.

Is there some other cost to be a spellcaster besides the 1 point to get "Wizard" and know all spells up to IQ level? If not, then that's obviously hugely unbalanced.

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