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Re: (TFT) Re: TFT Digest V3 #822

Quoting brethalda <brethalda@yahoo.com>:

As Scott said most of these are myths. From my years of working at Jamestown Settlement, chain armor is much heavier than plate.
For that period, yes. Rivetted mail is lighter than butted. And full plate had
gone out of style.

The reason it went out of style is not because of firearms as good plate could stop a bullet of its era, it was because of the heat when standing in the summer sun (OVEN) when most warfare took place. Yes they wore padding but it still caused heat stroke, sweat or not. Firearms also allowed the commoner to be an equal to a knight.
There's also the rise of the national army to consider, and the decline of the
second estate.

They may not be able to punch the armor but they could still knock him off the horse. Musket in conjunction with the pike and
Completely false. If it were true, why doesn't the shooter fall over?

eventually bayonet in square ended successful cavalry  charges.  Also
Um, I think there's several things chasing each other here. The lance wasn't
being used, for one thing. And cav charges continued to be used until WWI (with
lessening effect).

 guns (cannons & howitzers) became more
 user friendly.
Certainly for the field.

Neil Gilmore
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