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Re: (TFT) Rules bloat (was We've lost another one...)

On Nov 16, 2006, at 8:15 PM, ErolB1@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 11/16/2006 7:14:26 AM Central Standard Time,
azog@bellsouth.net writes:

Dear Pod Person,

Why do you like TFT?
Because it's a good base for a swashbuckling-type game with common  
but fairly
low-powered magic. One weakness of D&D is that it doesn't do "low  
magic" very well, and often I'm not in the mood for high powered  
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I could argue over D&D's weaknesses for hours...

D&D is nothing like it used to be. First Edition AD&D was starting to push the limits, which were finally broken. The last valid edition in my mind is the old "Blue Book" D&D.
As for D20, in my not-always-humble opinion, it sucks on sooo many  
levels.  It's a shame when a gaming veteran like myself can't sit  
down and roll up a character, without first plotting out his lifelong  
skill development path and going through nine yards of rules over  
which feats to pick.
David Jackson
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