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Re: (TFT) What is a Monster?

Horses and donkeys can hybridize, but the offspring are nearly always  
sterile.  If a male horse and a female donkey mate, it's not a very  
fertile union, and they're unlikely to produce any offspring at all.   
I imagine that the various humanoid races could work this way, with  
mixed couples rarely producing children, and the hybrids usually not  
having any.  This keeps the hybrids rare, and may contribute to the  
taboo against inter-species marriage: people want to have grandchildren.

On Sep 30, 2007, at 3:33 PM, Benjamin Wallin wrote:

> Some screamed "monster, abomination" and yet many others accepted  
> the new
> half-orc welps as equals. 100 years pass and what was once uncommon  
> has
> become common, where once the majority of the isolated society were  
> orc are
> now half-orc.
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