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Re: (TFT) HT's views on complexity

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: pvk@oz.net

> > Jay Carlisle wrote:
> > A discussion on the Champions series is probably in order on this.
> I was asking specifically what Neil was thinking.


> In a general discussion about it though, yeah, I had always avoided
> Champions because I wasn't very interested in roleplaying superheroes, but
> recently I picked up another old RPG at a used book store that was about
> real-world-adventure but used a form of Champions and I was pretty shocked
> at how close it was to GURPS in many details. From a true history of ideas
> standpoint (rather than an "I'm curious what Neil thinks" standpoint), I'd
> say it belies the idea that GURPS became what it was in order simply to
> avoid being too much like TFT.

I'd just like to point out that SJ mentions in the Eratta that he was also struck by "writers block" at some point in this development.

It scares the HELL outta me that I'm promising "pages" for the new year, especally as I have only one more day to crouch "golorisely" in my stupidity.

I've promised something "concreate", not the psycobabble I've been engagued in up till this point.

I repeat!

Yet I solder on.

I'll keep babbeling.

You guys figure out what it means.

I don't wanna tick anyone off.

But this is about TFT.

IMHO TFT is "SO" simple it can incorporate 'styles'.

Yet there are enough BASICS that the thing can be used like Roberts Rules of Order.

Or am I missing the point?

Ever been at a Wargame tourney when two opposing players had to call a ref?

Would YOU wanna be that Ref?

Damnit! "I've" been the one who has to talk to the "Wacko" who's not having a good time at the party.

How do you quantify this?

"My" attempts have led me to increasingly become the "Wacko" at the party.

I don't get out much anymore....


> ...
> > I figure I turn 40 in the middle of June so I've been hereing about this
> > bloody mid-life crises since I can remember.
> >
> > I choose to spend that energy on this stuff!
> >
> >
> > Sad huh?
> Only if you choose to make it sad. :-) I'm not sad about it.
> PvK
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