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(TFT) An Open Letter to Contributors


By David Michael Grouchy II

January 10, 2008

An Open Letter to Contributors

     To me, the most critical thing in the news group right now is the lack of
good adventure design courses, adventure stories, and finished adventures.
Without good adventures and a GM who understands adventure dynamics, a
contribution to the news group is wasted. Will quality adventures be written
for the community?

     Almost seven years ago, expecting the demands for new adventures to
expand, I developed a faster version of TFT called ''One on One.'' The
evolution of One on One into a dice language has been a lot of fun. It really
is a next generation combat system. It is both faster than TFT and yet lets
you do more.

     The feedback I have gotten has all been positive. People write me
off-list asking for more stories, and to continue existing adventures. I
figure I will show my new system to the group and then I can continue with the
stories. Two surprising things immediately became apparent, however, 1) most
GM's refuse to give ear, and won't even let me show it to them, and 2) I am
then told that people are only interested in stories and the HTH system is no
good anyway.

     Why is this? As the majority of contributors must be aware, most of you
Preach about your style. Any rule that is not fitting with your campaign is to
be withheld for your flock of players. Who cares if maybe your players would
see the advantage of the new system where you have not.

     Is this life? One thing you don't get by slamming down things you don't
agree with is a new perspective on why your way was better in the first place.
Like a high priest who's favorite word is heretic, you condemn with out a fair
hearing. And your flock of players must be protected from new perspectives.
Even the inquisition at least held a token trial.  Who can find the will to
continually try to introduce the next generation of table top combat in the
face of such zealotry and dogma. And then after being shouted down, and
everyone nodding to each other that a story would be better, no one posts a

     What is the message here? Quit telling us that you have solved game
design. Manipulate us like a priest does, and we will believe you. Dare speak
to us as equals showing your data and methods and we will shout you down.
Well, if this is your message, then hear me when I speak now. A person who
will only lend their ears to those that manipulate them shall find their own
downfall in the end, they don't require any help from me.  If this is not your
message, and you have actually contributed an adventure, then it is my
privilege to offer you the eyes and ears of my players and let them enjoy your

     The worst offenders are those Priests who don't even have a group of
players. Who don't even play TFT. These Priests without flocks shout the
loudest. Nothing would please me more than to take my ten players on an
adventure that you wrote, and get back to you with their reactions. To share
with you, as one GM to another, the more memorable moments. If you are too shy
to post it to the news group the please feel free to mail me a hard copy at
215 Europe Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70802. Nothing would make me
happier than to deluge the news group with good adventures.

David Michael Grouchy II

Founder Least Little Game Company

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