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Re: (TFT) Leaving List

That's a shame, Dave, that you feel that way. But, a discussion where everyone agrees with everyone else is, and no-one ever disagrees is a boring one indeed.
As for the personal insults, since the only I've seen doing this  
lately has been Ray, then maybe you should address your comments to  
him personally.

On Apr 28, 2008, at 8:07 PM, Wizard Master wrote:

I have been lurking for quite awhile ... some time actually. I havent ever posted but I have been enjoying the very useful threads and posts but enough is enough. I am tired of one person attacking other people in their posts. I am removing myself from this list. A new person posted his thoughts and ideas and he is personally attacked by someone on this list. Another person brings up some good points and this person attacked him for a falsely visioned insult. Now in his reply to someone else on a completly different topic saw fit to include an attack on that other person. I love this game having played this 20+ years ago but one person is ruining it by personally insulting other people and is very rude and obnoxious. Its a shame that one person can not handle just be polite.
Just thought the moderator of this list should know the reason for  
my depature.
-Dave =====
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