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RE: (TFT) Active Defense: the Block

Have thought about an active defense, but REALLY dislike adding die rolls.
On the other hand, some of the new talents I use include "Master Swordsman"
and "Master Polearm", each of which adds a die to be hit when using the
appropriate weapon, I also allow armor and shields to have a -DX to hit for
the opponent equal to hits stopped, same way one would adjust for a snake.
And of course, "Expert Shield" talent doubles all shield bonuses.  

Basically I considered the potential for a skilled and/or well armored
defender to reduce odds of damage as required in a serious combat-modelling
system, but was unwilling to add die-rolls to the flow, preferring to go
with quick and simple adjustments to the roll to hit.


Eric A. Coles  

-----Original Message-----
From: tft-admin@brainiac.com [mailto:tft-admin@brainiac.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 3:25 PM
To: tft@brainiac.com
Cc: Sgt Hulka
Subject: Re: (TFT) Active Defense: the Block

I seem to recall something in Steve Jacksons discussion regarding the
development of GURPS that he initially did something similar:
You roll to attack ... the defend rolls to defend.

Although it more accurately modelled combat, his playtesters didn't like it
becase it was "too much die rolling."  Personally, I disagree.
So while I would argue for something similar to what you are proposing, you
may be facing an uphill climb with players wanting to resolve combat in a
single die roll.  (which can be done - but you have to use a handful of
multi-colored dice to do it)


---- Sgt Hulka <hulkasgt@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> I've noticed some discussion on this list in the past about how to 
> incorporate "active defense" in TFT. Between some begrudging agreement 
> with some of the points made in those posts and my own
dis-satisfaction with the way shields and dodge/defend work,  ...
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