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Re: (TFT) Re: definitions of stats - and stuff - for Jay

A friend of mine who used to play RPGs told me of a situation where he knew
one of his players had a strong phobia against spiders.  One situation he put
the players in was a room filled with spiders and webs.

I'm with you on this Joe.



This is an example (it seems too me) if a GM creating such a situation to fit the player.
My problem with this sort of thing revolves around where the stuff we talk about in these games is susposed to come from.
Patton Oswald has a joke about hitting a midget on the head and he turns into 3 gold coins. (Loose a fight to a midget and you become a midget...)
Now how am I susposed to get economics outta some system like that?
As a matter of fact, how long would the worlds midgets last under such a system?
IMHO my "species" as a whole have ampely demonstrated that we are more of a cancer than a benign virus upon Earth.
It shames me to think that it could have been otherwise.
"I" think the Earth developed us to burn up all that oil.
She cuts us loose, and in a gelogical blink of an eye, poof, all the oils gone AND the warming effect cuts WAY down on the bacterahumanlogical "infection" on her body.
Hell I'll ALWAYS have TB.
The better shape I'm in, the less chance that stuff has of getting ahead.
My little internal group of Orcs, helping momma Earth to rid herself of just another parasite...


SEE what I mean about the writing thing?
HOW do I keep doing THAT?!?
Where does THAT come from?

I feel like a secretary or... better still, I'm an emanuences for SOMETHING!

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