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Re: (TFT) ST Aid Questions

At 5:01 -0400 5/22/09, TFT Digest wrote:
My current guess is something on the order of 2500 pages of total Jay babble, more or less. As production speeds up I figure that the ratio of an actual finished page to Jay babble is somewhere between 1:100 and 1:1000
Editing is a real bitch.
Anyway, it's no real wonder that no one gets me, and even that's not entirely true.
Wow! Wish I had your dedication and persistence! That's a *lot* of 
work. *Thank you*, on behalf of the hobby in general, whether it ever 
comes to fruition or not!
But I'll be looking forward to "TFT Olympics" in September! I suspect 
some of my wizard characters will be a mite disappointed.... :-)
						- Mark     210-379-4635
Large Asteroids headed toward planets
inhabited by beings that don't have
technology adequate to stop them:

				Think of it as Evolution in Fast-Forward.
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