On Aug 17, 2009, at 9:05 AM, slid81554@mypacks.net wrote:
> Remember, D&D is a gateway game, much like a Daisy BB gun.
> It's popular and it gives you a taste of a whole hobby you might
> never have been exposed to before.
The weird thing is how D&D can be a gateway game when its rules are so
damn complicated! I hadn't played D&D since high school, when it was
AD&D plus house rules, but I just skimmed the 4e "quick start" rules
and was appalled. It's really rules-heavy, in part because everything
has to be spelled out in detail like all the actions your character
can possibly do, and the combat feels very slow and clunky with all
those turn phases. Not to mention the sheer intimidating size and cost
of the many books.