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Re: (TFT) Is this a decade of thought? SO SAD!

At 7:09 -0400 4/13/10, Jay wrote:
What can I say about religious structures that would
maintain validity across the entire range?
interesting breakdown! It reminds me of Warcraft, Catan (the card game), and some other games as well as TFT; that makes me think it's got some good ideas in it (since they appear other places as well).
	Just wanted to add a comment about religious structures - if 
they are successful, religious structures (and institutions) can 
become totally dominant in a culture's activities. Both from a good 
point of view (rescue missions to Haiti, or equivalent; storing up of 
grain for famine years; accumulating knowledge of genealogy, 
technology, winemaking, etc. etc.) and from a bad point of view 
(crusades; Aztec sacrifices; the Pyramids; etc. etc.).
	Coming across central France in the middle ages, the first 
hint a traveller would have that he was nearing a city would often be 
- the sight of the cathedral spire, dominating the countryside for 
miles around.
	Although you are right that there is a very wide range, I 
would be sure to acknowledge how central a temple could become under 
some circumstances. Certainly it could subsume the function of the 
town hall, library, etc.
	I also might add several other Originating Skills: New 
Followers, Bard/Master Bard, Literacy, and others.
						- Mark     210-379-4635
Large Asteroids headed toward planets
inhabited by beings that don't have
technology adequate to stop them:

				Think of it as Evolution in Fast-Forward.
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