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(TFT) What any good Dwarf should be able to tell you.

A tunnel is a long, narrow, essentially linear excavated underground opening, the length of which greatly exceeds its width or height. A shaft can simply be thought of as a tunnel which is vertical rather than horizontal. A cavern is an underground opening whose length and width are roughly similar. Every underground excavation can be looked upon as a combination of tunnels and caverns.

Early excavation likely centered around clearing and enlarging naturally occurring caves and caverns for shelter and protection.
Cave systems are most easily detected by water flow in an area.
A prevalence of disappearing streams and emerging springs, especially in very rugged limestone terrain, are likely indicators of caves. Faults, sinkholes, eroded surface rock, geothermal activity, and pronounced depressions are other signs of cave systems.

Stone like flint was mined well before the bronze age.
Flint often occurs in nodules found in chalk deposits, allowing mining with extremely primitive tools such as antlers, bone, wood, or flint.

Hard rock was often excavated by heating the rock-face with fire and cooling it with water, causing expansion and spalling, then picking the fractured rock away with picks and wedges.
Egyptian and Roman mines were worked to depths of approximately 200 meters.
By the 6th century B.C., it has been estimated that the advance rate of a hand-worked tunnel in hard rock was perhaps 9 to 10 meters per year. The use of explosives/magic increase the rate by an order of magnitude, with mechanization increasing the advance rate by another order of magnitude.

The process of digging a tunnel in rock, however, is not simply a case of deciding where the tunnel is to go and then pounding or blasting one's way through. Rock is a very treacherous medium through which to travel. Even "solid" rock often contains innumerable cracks, faults, folds, and discontinuities, the activation of any of which may become a trigger to a collapse of the tunnel. The design and construction of any underground excavation must account for the mechanical properties of the surrounding rock, which includes not only the aforementioned cracks and discontinuities, but also the weathering and deterioration of the rock, the number and type of layers in the rock, strike and dip of these layers, underground water level, overburden, and the list goes on and on.

Sub-surface rock is commonly under stress causing strain that deforms it.
The three stresses are compression, tension, and shear.
Strain is either elastic, in which the effected mass returns to its pre-strained state, or plastic, where the mass retains the deformations after the strain is relieved. Continuous plastic deformation occurs in ductile rock, causing folding, while brittle rock fractures and faults under strain. Folding occurs as synclines (downward folds), anticlines (upward folds), and monoclines (gentler dips). Breaks in brittle rock are fractures when there is no movement along either side of the break, while faults involve movement. The mass of rock above the plain of the fault is the hanging wall while the rock below the fault plain is the foot wall. The direction in which the fault runs is the strike, while the dip runs perpendicular to the strike. Faults most commonly occur along tectonic plate junctions with diverging plates being more common than convergent plates (dip-slip faults). Diverging plate faults usually create a situation in which the hanging wall is moving downwards while the footwall is rising, creating a normal fault (a.k.a. gravity fault) under tensional stress. Converging plates create compression stresses commonly causing the hanging wall to rise while the foot wall sinks causing a reverse fault (thrust fault). When the rock masses on either side of the fault are moving parallel to the fault plain a strike-slip fault results.

1. Hookian solid-body (elastic) behavior: In elastic behavior, the strain is completely proportional to the stress applied, so that a plot of stress vs. strain yields a straight line.

2. St. Venant's solid-body (plastic) behavior: In plastic behavior, an applied stress will not result in any strain until a certain stress is reached (yield point). At this point, only strain increases. Reduction of the stress to below the yield stress will result in the cessation of the strain.

3. Newtonian liquid (viscous) behavior: In viscous behavior, the rate of strain is proportional to the stress applied. That is, as the stress applied increases, the deformation does not increase, but the rate at which the body deforms does.

Rock Strength (resistance to deformation)
R0 = Extremely soft - 20-100psi
R1 = Very low strength - 100-1000psi
R2 = Low strength - 1000-4000psi
R3 = Moderate strength - 4000-8000psi
R4 = Medium high strength - 8000-16,000psi
R5 = High strength - 16,000-32,000psi
R6 = Very high strength - >32,000psi

Rock Weathering
Fresh rock
No visible signs of weathering. Any breaks are across sound rock
Slightly weathered
Slight discoloration and minor weakening of the rock material
Moderately weathered
Fresh rock is still present, but up to 50% of the rock material has been decomposed into soil
Highly weathered
Fresh rock is still present, but more than 50% of the rock material has been decomposed into soil
Completely weathered
All of the rock material has been decomposed into soil, but the original rock mass structure has been preserved
Residual soil
All of the rock material has been decomposed into soil, and there has been transport, and all original structure has been destroyed

Rock loads on excavation supports.
Intact rock: Intact rock contains neither joints nor hair cracks, and thus breaks across sound rock. Spalling conditions, which is when thin slabs of rock fall off the roof or walls of the tunnel, , and popping conditions, where rock slabs on the sides or roof of the tunnel spontaneously and violently detach, may occur for several hours or days after blasting.

Stratified rock: Stratified rock consists of individual strata with little or no resistance against separation along strata boundaries. Spalling conditions are quite common.

Moderately jointed rock: Moderately jointed rock contains joints and hair cracks, but blocks between the joints are locally grown together or so intimately interlocked that vertical walls do not require lateral support. Again, spalling and popping conditions may be encountered.

Blocky and seamy rock: This consists of chemically intact or nearly intact rock fragments which are entirely separated from each other and imperfectly interlocked. The vertical walls of the tunnel may require support.

Crushed rock: Crushed rock is chemically intact, but extensively fractured. If the crushed rock is small-grained and below the water table, it will exhibit the properties of a water-bearing sand.

Squeezing rock: Squeezing rock slowly advances into the tunnel without a perceptible volume increase. This condition requires a very high percentage of microscopic and submicroscopic micaceous minerals or clay minerals with a low swelling capacity.

Swelling rock: Swelling rock advances into the tunnel primarily by the expansion of the rock itself. This condition seems to be limited to rocks containing clays, such as montmorillonite, which have a high capacity to swell when hydrated.

Of all the hazards associated with mining, rockbursts are perhaps the most terrifying. A rockburst is the sudden, violent dislocation of slabs of rock in a tunnel, usually from the walls, but also potentially from the roof or even floor. Considered to be a "mining-induced seismic event," a rockburst can release enormous amounts of energy, and some have been measured at 4 on the Richter scale and one rockburst was recorded by a seismological station 1200 miles distant. The danger is obvious and quantifiable: In a three-year period in the Kolar gold-field in India, rockbursts accounted for 50% of all fatalities. In general, rocks have a high resistance to crushing. King (1996) states that the walls of a tunnel will not fail as a result of compression except at great depth - more than 2000 feet (600 m) for softer sandstones and more than 19,000 feet (5800 m) for the strongest rocks. However, the rocks are still under an immense amount of stress, and the rock left standing after tunnel or cavern excavation must bear a greater load than before. The rocks affected are nearly always hard, strong, and brittle. These rocks may have an unconfined compressive stress of 15,000 to 60,000 psi. In the United States, the most common location for rockburst phenomena seems to be the Coeur d'Alene mining district of northern Idaho, where the galena mines run over a mile deep into the quartzites of the Revett Formation of the Belt Supergroup.
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