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(TFT) Arneson created D&D, creating characters, dungeons, etc.
On Sun, 2011-20-03 at 11:52 -0400, raito@raito.com wrote:
> First, a slight rant on D&D. I consider Gary Gygax to be the Sigmund
> Freud of roleplaying games. That is, he is to be revered as the guy who
> thought the whole thing up. But, like Freud, his most valuable
> contribution is not his creation (D&D have several notable faults).
> It's the fact that he got people thinking that there has to be a better
> way. One of those better ways is TFT.
Hi all, Neil.
Actually David Arneson, was the one who thought
it all up, Gygax was the business guy who kicked
Arneson out and stole as much credit as he could.
Dave was listed as co-creator of D&D in the
original game. When AD&D came out, Gygax listed
more than 50 people who 'helped' him create AD&D but
left out Arneson. Basically this was because TSR
had agreed to pay Arneson for D&D but Gygax claimed
that Advanced D&D was so different that he deserved
no royalties.
Arneson had to sue TSR & Gygax (eventually reaching
5 different lawsuits) but he was continued to be
mistreated until D&D was taken over by WotC.
If you want to honor the creator of D&D, bow your
head in the right direction.
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