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Re: (TFT) Scoop/throw

>        No cinematic scoop/n/fling attacks for me...
> --
>                                                - Mark


IQ 8
THROWN WEAPONS (2). Ability to throw things hard and accurately.
This talent is a prerequisite for peculiar weapons that must be
thrown, like Bola and Sha-Ken. A figure with this talent gets a +2
DX add WHENEVER he throws something. He can also throw any
weapon on the same turn he readies it.

RUNNING (2): This is the "talent" representing long hours of jogging,
sprinting, and other track training. A figure with this ability adds 2
to his/her MA at all times.

IQ 10
ACROBATICS (3). An acrobat is one who is trained in keeping his
balance, recovering from falls, etc. A person with this talent can
make his DX roll on one less dice whenever a saving roll is called for
to avoid some type of fall or clumsiness, or to avoid some large
falling object. A DX of 12 is required to learn this skill. An acrobat
can also climb up a rope at the rate of 2 meters per turn with no
risk of falling. A non-acrobat climbs at 1 meter per turn, and must
make a saving roll (2 dice vs. DX) each turn.

IQ 11
TWO WEAPONS (3). This is the knowledge of the Florentine style of
fighting - or, in the Orient, the Nitto style of the Katori Ryu of
Izasa. In other words, the ability to use two swords (or, if you want
to be unconventional, any two one-handed weapons) at the same
time. You MUST have DX 13 or better to learn this.
Any character can fight with two weapons at once - IF one of
the weapons is a dagger, main-gauche, or spike shield, or IF some
combination like net-and-trident or two cesti is being used. However,
a character that wants to fight with two swords, sword and
mace, or other such combination MUST have this talent.
This talent permits a character fighting with two weapons, on
any turn he attacks, to do any one of the following:
(a) attack with both weapons, at normal DX for the first attack
and -4 for the second one. The attacks may be against the same OR
different figures.
(b) make a normal attack with one weapon and parry with the
other. The second weapon acts as a shield to stop 2 hits.
(c) parry with both weapons, stopping 4 hits of damage, but not
threatening the enemy. It is permitted to combine the Fencing
ability with this one - but you must use either two rapiers, or a
rapier and main-gauche, as your two weapons, since these are the
two-weapon techniques taught to fencers. If you are not using the
Fencing talent and its accompanying bonuses, you may fight with
any two weapons that you have the ST to use.
Prerequisite: You MUST have the talents for any weapons you
use this way.

How about this 32pt Figure?
ST 8
DX 13
IQ 11
MA 12
Knife (1), Running (2), Thrown Weapons (2), Acrobatics (3), Two Weapons (3)

Any Figure with Thrown Weapons can move 2 hexes and throw a weapon lying on
the ground so a Figure with Thrown Weapons, Running, Acrobatics, and Two
Weapons ought to be able to do just a little bit better than that on average
don't you think?
If nothing else I'd try and make sure myself and the player are more or less
on the same conceptual page with how this works.
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