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Re: (TFT) long talent/skill lists

At 0:15 -0500 3/8/13, Joey wrote:
Adding more advanced weapon talents (like Fencing or Missile Weapons) is usually a good idea in my opinion.
	There actually are a few more. Shield (lets you be better 
protected while using your 1-hand weapon); Two Weapons (as above via 
parry, *or* lets you get in a second strike, which is very useful to 
finish off an opponent you just knocked down).
	That said, I also really like the idea of a "weapon 
concentration" talent that gives you, say, +3 adjDX but only with one 
particular type of weapon. I'd love to have a character that was 
undisputed master of the Small Axe, for example. Or Quarterstaff. Not 
canon, but I think it'd be very cinematic.
GURPS rules, longer, more detailed, less left to the imagination/GM.
TFT rules, shorter, more left to the imagination/GM.

	For us long-term players, either is probably good.

What *really* attracts me to TFT rules is that I can start with an FRP non-player, and in about an hour they can design a fighter, add in a few extra skills like climbing or bee-keeping, and be ready to play (both tactics *and* role-playing). Much less than one volume to read and digest. They won't have an intricate understanding of the turn sequence and how to exploit movement allowance until *after* their first combat, but they'll be useful by the start of their second combat. They won't be conversant with the effects of UC V or what spell can detect "Little Death" in their first session, but they'll be having a good time and if I send them away with some reading homework, they'll be good to go for their second session, and ready to design a high-level wizard.
	I don't think GURPS can, and I know D&D/Pathfinder cannot, claim that.
						- Mark     210-379-4635
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inhabited by beings that don't have
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			      Think of it as Evolution in Fast-Forward.
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