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RE: (TFT) a survey of Melee and Wizard editions

But it do sound nice, eh?

"will roll dice"



On Tue, 15 Mar 2016, Peter von Kleinsmid wrote:

Huh. I wonder why "will"?

At 09:35 PM 3/15/2016, David Michael Grouchy II wrote:

Fantastic work. For an old TFT nerd such as myself this comparison is a fascinating read. I enjoyed every detail.
By way of thanks I offer the following.  Not as interesting as your work, 
to say the least, but another type analysis.   Here are the top ten results 
of Word-Count-Analysis from Melee (2nd edition), Wizard, and ITL.
Mike Grouchy

    Melee Density     Wizard Density     ITL Density
 1. figure 209        figure 237         will 590
 2. weapon 141        spell 232          roll 466
 3. attack 122        wizard 178         dice 438
 4. hits 110          hex 175            iq 392
 5. dx 102            st 166             character 357
 6. roll 102          spells 140         st 327
 7. hex 101           dx 119             dx 311
 8. turn 68           turn 119           gm 305
 9. combat 67         roll 103           figure 160
10. enemy 63          hits 82            spell 145
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