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Re: [Slope: Ch 12] New Monster - Flame Fiends. Comments are welcome.

Again, Rick, I'm not seeing that anywhere in the rules -- all I can find is that "...animals will attack with bite, claw, acid spray, or other more exotic menace."  Nothing at all about their preferences in HTH.  Neither can I find anything that says they are restricted to claws in HTH.  I've always played that they can use teeth, claws, and any other weapons that aren't specifically restricted from HTH combat by either a rule or common sense.  Can you point me to where the claws only rule is?

From: Rick <rick_ww@lightspeed.ca>
To: "tft@brainiac.com" <tft@brainiac.com>
Cc: "The_slope@googlegroups.com" <The_slope@googlegroups.com>; CJ <chrjames@gmail.com>; Matt Fraser <mathesonfraser@gmail.com>; Alec Morrison <alphaalec@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Slope: Ch 12] New Monster - Flame Fiends. Comments are welcome.

Oh, sorry.

  Monsters do claw attacks in HTH unless it says otherwise.

  Warm regards, rick.

> On Jun 11, 2018, at 2:47 PM, Peter von Kleinsmid <pvk@oz.net> wrote:
> At 04:54 PM 6/9/2018, PvK wrote:
>> What attack(s) can they do while in HTH?
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