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Re: "Long Lankin do not perceive illusions at all"

One of my favorite RPG story arcs I ever got to play was a modern (nWoD) campaign, where we found out about a stereotypical summer camp slasher. Like, every X years, a bunch of people at this camp die, and we had reason to think it was happening this years. Our PCs courageously went out there posing as camp counselors, smuggled in weapons, infiltrated the camp culture, and *waited for that sonofabitch.*

It was amazing. Partly because it there was no payoff for us. No treasure at the end. The PCs were just being brave and trying to save lives.

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Craig Barber <craigwbar@comcast.net> wrote:

Creep Factor 8, Mr. Sulu.  

LL: Tucks victims into trees, eats the eyeballs first, sees invisible characters, sees perfectly in the dark, and follows you around until your torches go out... yeah, that's weird! 

IMO, "horror movie" motif is one of the times when RPGs work best.   Give your group suspense, make them start wondering what it is that is following them, make them start second guessing themselves...  They remember that adventure!

-- CB

On 9/27/2018 1:47 PM, Nathan Easton wrote:
Long Lankin is the scariest monster I've seen in an RPG in a while. One of the high points of the new edition IMO.

I know he's a weird thing to fixate on. :D

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 2:23 PM, Craig Barber <craigwbar@comcast.net> wrote:
P81... possibly as a check to wizards who rely too much on their illusion spells.  -- CB

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