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Re: (TFT) Welcome!

On Mon, 29 Jun 1998, Joe Hartley wrote:

> I'm definitely up for some PBEM games!  While I've got virtually no experience
> with the Advanced TFT modules, I'd be happy to ramp up to it.  And I'd also
> like to DM a Microquest - I think that it would be workable with either one or
> two people playing the gang of four, while the DM plays all the opponents.

DM a MicroQuest over the 'Net?  Sounds interesting.  :)  You gotta
check out the "sweeping blow" manuever in Adv Melee (Made famous by
"Arpad Zloty, called by some 'The Cruel'" in DT2.)  Whew!!

Some of the new weapons in Adv Melee are pretty neat, especially
when used by teams of experienced characters.  Having one guy tie
someone up with a Bolo while another runs up and chops him with
a Battleaxe or GreatSword is nasty, to say the least.

While Im thinking about it, I created a hex numbering system for
use in Wizard and Melee, which was useful when invisible characters
were running around.  It might be usable for PBEM, I'll have to 
check it out to be sure.


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